Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Day 2 is our wash, rinse, and repeat day. By that, I mean this is the process you’re going to repeat over and over to keep boosting your income.
You need to get your prospects to your web page, otherwise known as “traffic.” When they are prospects who are interested in your niche, we call that “targeted traffic” -- and that's the kind we want. So how do we get it?
Well, there are a number of ways of getting traffic – you can pay for traffic, by paying for advertising – such as through Google AdWords and other Pay-Per-Click programs; you can “borrow” it – by doing Joint Ventures (more suitable for when you have your own product); and you can get free traffic.
We're just going to talk about a few ways to get free traffic. (Free is good, right?) Specifically, we’re going to talk about how to get traffic via writing articles and via “web 2.0” sites (which also leverages article writing) Here we go!