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The key to most of these traffic methods is proper keyword research. If you don’t take the time to research your keywords carefully, you aren’t going to have a very good chance to get a level of traffic that will help your site make good money.
Fortunately, keyword research is a relatively simple process. If you know what you’re doing, you can research plenty of good keywords for your niche in just a few minutes.
When it comes to keywords, there are head keywords and what are referred to as “long tail keyword phrases”.
Head keyword terms are typically shorter phrases such as “weight loss”, while tail keywords consist of multiple keywords that describe a market or niche, such as “weight loss strategies for seniors”.
For the most part, head keywords are always targeted by a greater number of competition as they are a short-form description of a market, and long tail keyword phrases will generate less traffic, but are much easier to dominate within the search engines.
Savvy marketers focus on long tail keywords and gauge their exposure by a COLLECTIVE count of all traffic generated from multiple long-tail keyword based campaigns.
You will find it much easier to position yourself in the top search engine results if you primarily focus on injecting long tail keywords into your traffic generation strategies.
Consider the fact that it could take you months (and serious cash) to rank for the term “weight loss”, however if you set up a dozen different campaigns targeting relevant, long tail keywords including “weight loss after pregnancy”, “how to lose weight quickly”, or “safe and easy methods of losing weight”, you would generate steady traffic from all campaigns (although lower than a single main keyword), collectively giving you MORE exposure than a competitive keyword that you are consistently struggling to rank for much less maintain your position.