Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Part 4) Building Your List
There is 1 tried and true method I've consistently used, FOR YEARS to drive laser targeted, real human eyeballs to my websites, and successfully scale that up no matter the niche.
And it's all based around leeching traffic off of other more successful websites.
Sounds dirty or black hat doesn't it?
It isn't.
No you're going to be giving out high quality clicky content which will encourage people to find out more on your blog. You'll be pulling down TONS of traffic from other established websites traffic to your already built quality website.
What I like to do is first get my content together that I'll be allowing blog owners to post, then "selling" them on that content (don't worry it's not hard, blog owners LOVE free quality content ! )
You want compelling interesting pieces of content because frankly, that's what gets clicks and eyeballs, and the more eyeballs on the content on their website, the more traffic YOU'LL receive.
How do you know what good clicky content to get? Borrow some ideas from Buzzfeed and other content networks.
Buzzfeed is the king of clickbaiting (or getting people to click on links.) While they typically cater to more fun and goofy content, other networks like Taboola and Outbrain are a marketing haven and jackpot of content ideas.
I'm sure you've seen them on some of them being used on some of the biggest sites on the web, you'll see things like "Similar Content" or "Related Content" on the sidebar or at the end of articles:
Look at the above examples, see how much they entice you to click? Or you can go on Buzzfeed and find similar examples - or notice the type of shared content going out on Facebook. That's the kind of content titles you want to have for your content because it will entice people to click and read that content, which then gets them to your site, which then captures their email, which then brings you MONEY.
The breakdown goes like this:
Reader Enjoys Favorite Blog -> Reader See's Your Content On That Blog -> Reader Loves Your Content -> Reader Goes To Your Blog -> Reader Subscribes To Your List Because Of All The Great Content And Incentives -> You Profit From Subscriber Over & Over
And once it's setup, it's all on autopilot and every piece of content you add to other blogs means more traffic (and money) for you. It telescopes indefinitely.
Now that you have an idea of the type of content you want title wise head back to iWriter and outsource !
If you're particularly interested in the niche you can write the content yourself. I leverage my time with writers though.
This content doesn't need to be as long as the content on your webpage, I recommend around 800 words.
Have to be just as high quality.
No rubbish poorly written content here.
It needs to be 100% quality, engaging content a blog owner would be proud to display.
And now you've got a list of clickbait type titles, you can use those as examples in your iWriter listing, or even come up with a few pieces of content you want written and use those as your keywords (I prefer the later as it ensures you get what you want.)
At this point I try and get at least 5 pieces of content together. Frankly when I do this I usually get around 30 but if this is your first go-around, get 5 or so, build and test your particular system, then scale accordingly. More content means more subscribers.
Now that you have 5 pieces of high quality, engaging content it's time to figure out where to pull traffic from by finding other sites in your niche.
There are some very important factors to keep in mind in regards to which sites you want to be giving content. If you give content to the wrong type of site then you'll be wasting time energy and money as you won't get anything in return (targeted traffic to your site.)
If the site doesn't have traffic, there won't be any traffic for you. Seems obvious but people mess this up constantly.
Aside from traffic, you also want to ensure that the site is in your niche and the visitors of thatr site will be interested in your content, otherwise, why would they opt-in to your list?
They wouldn't.
Here are some clear signs that a site gets consistent quality traffic:
Comments - Do people leave comments on the content? If so this is an excellent sign as it means people actually care about and engage with the content and its creators.
Social Engagement - Check out their social profiles, do they have lots of likes and, more importantly, do lots of people comments and share their content?
Alexa Ranking - This is a ranking based on people who use the Alexa toolbar. It skews more heavily to tech sites but is still a good baseline, anything under 100k and the site gets decent traffic. Not the greatest baseline as it can be skewed and manipulated BUT still a decent metric.
So first harvest plenty of sites to choose from then narrow them down to sites to submit to.
I use a variety of tools to harvest sites. If you purchased the upsell, you will have a my rolodex of sites to tap into directly.
I've been building out my list for quite some time and recommend you starting or adding to mine as well. Having a quality reference sheet for your niche will allow you to easily tap into and grow your traffic with ease.
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