WARNING: Do Not Post About Another Product or Write Another Review Until You’ve Installed This Profit Boosting Wordpress Plugin
Dear friend,
This isn’t like my usual products because with this one there is a giant elephant in the room which we need to address right off the bat.
I’m going to point it out and fully explain everything and then you can decide whether this is for you or not.
What I am about to reveal to you is a little “grey hat” so if that kinda thing upsets or offends you – do not read further, do not post on this thread, do not pass go – just move along and let me talk to the Warriors that are interested in making sure they don’t get screwed out of commissions.
I’m not interested in whiners and pikers picking holes in what’s considered right and wrong. The fact is this plugin can be used in a very naughty way, but that’s not why I’m offering it.
If you take the time to check the terms and conditions of the affiliate programs you promote you can make sure you don’t use it on any that prohibit this method and you can use it 100% legitimately.
But some will still shout “ohh that’s grey hat”.
That’s because it touches on a trick that has previously been used in a totally illegal and unethical way. But this goes a long way to legitimizing it.
But no matter how you dress it up, it is not black and white, it is a matter of opinion and opinions are like butt holes. Everyone has one and most of them stink.
But while all the whiners are debating endlessly about what shade of grey they think it is, myself and a few others are quietly using this on our wordpress sites and it’s making sure we get paid for the work we put in promoting affiliate products.
By now the whiners, self appointed forum police and pikers should have stopped reading and gone off to look at some new fancy video gizmo or something.