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Part 3: Going International
In Phase 1 of this guide I mentioned I start all my campaigns in the US Market, as it’s the biggest English speaking market in the world. Furthermore credit cards aren’t just easy to come by, they are part of American Culture and most people are very comfortable buying products online. Overall, the US is a great market to start your campaigns.
But as with all markets, there is a limit to the traffic you can generate on a daily / monthly basis form the 309,442,000+ people living in the United States. That’s why going international is good idea - you get more traffic, and possibly discover markets where your products convert much higher. From personal experience, I’ve had a product that had a Conversion Rate nearly 4 times higher in Australia than it did in the United States.
The international markets I start off with after my US campaigns are performing at the high rate I want them to are:
Australia and New Zealand
United Kingdom
Important: when starting new international campaigns, don’t lump countries together -keep them separated and create 1 campaign per country. So if you use our “Bodyweight Fitness” example, our first campaign was.
Bodyweight Fitness US
We can then go ahead and create:
Bodyweight Fitness AU / NZ Bodyweight Fitness CAN Bodyweight Fitness UK
For each one of our new International Campaigns we are going to keep everything identical to our US Campaign, the only difference will be our new campaigns will be showing in other countries (AU, CAN, UK etc.)
So, to set up your new International Campaigns you can go through Part 2: Campaign Settings - outlined in Phase 1 of this guide. Personally, that is what I do:
I set up the new International Campaigns with the original keywords, but instead of using the original Ads I use the new and improved Ads (the ones we rewrote after 1,000 clicks). The reason I use the original keywords list is because I’ve noticed that sometimes the keywords that don’t do well in the US market do much better in other markets. As for Negative Keywords, I use the latest up-to-date lists for the new Campaigns / Ad Groups.
Another important thing to remember is: Not all markets are created equal. Some will have higher CTRs and Conversions and some will have lower CTRs and Conversions, while others may not generate clicks at all. So don’t be alarmed if some of your International Campaigns don’t experience the performance of your US campaign, it happens.
Advice on Non-English speaking countries (Advanced, so don’t do it until you have everything else figured out):
English is a Global Language. So even if a country doesn’t have it listed as an official language, chances are there is a large percentage of the population that still speaks English. Of course there are roughly 195 countries on this planet (depending on who you ask), you shouldn’t start a new campaign for every single one of them. Instead what you should do is...
Lump the remaining countries into a single “World Campaign”, and be sure to exclude the countries you already have individual campaigns for. Choose English as the language and set up the rest of the campaign identical to the US campaign.
Once your “Global Campaign” reaches 1,000+ clicks you’ll be able to log into your Analytics account and see which countries are generating most of the traffic. You can then drop the low performing countries and create separate campaigns for the high performing ones.
I’m not going to go into the details of using Analytics, as it’s fairly easy to install (a lot like installing tracking codes) and is a different Guide all together.
Once again, the advice and instructions given above are the same as the methods I personally use to trim the fat off my new campaigns, increase their performance and improve the quality of traffic being driven to my website.
By now, after having read both Phase 1 and Phase 2 of this guide, you should have an idea of what it takes to set up a successful Adwords Campaign with high performing ads, functional Negative Keywords, as well as improve that campaign once you have some real data at your disposal.
You’ll notice I kept both Phases of this guide fairly short. I didn’t go into details about shortcuts, the latest adwords features or any of the hot trends that come and go on a monthly basis. I focused on the fundamentals, the very same fundamentals that have worked for me for the last 7 years and will continue to work for years to come...
There is a reason I haven’t been effected by any “Google Slaps” and have continued to do the same thing, over and over again for such a long time: Google may make policy changes and introduce new features, but the basic foundation remains the same. And if you have a firm grasp of that foundation, you shouldn’t have any trouble driving predictable, quality traffic you have control over to your Sales Pages.