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Chapter 5: Use Imagery
Positive imagery is a very7 powerful tool and sadly many people are not aware of the benefits it has to offer. You can change many things in your life by simply using positive imagery7. It may seem unbelievable that such a simple process can be so effective, but do not underestimate the power of visualization. If you do not know much about the power of imagery, the next chapter will be very beneficial for you because it is all about imagery.
Positive imagery can offer many benefits to a person’s life. An added bonus that comes with positive imagery is the fact that it is completely free.
Power of Imagery
As well, you can practice your positive imagery at any time at any place. If you are not sure about exactly how to utilize positive imagery, the following information will be very helpful for you.
Picture the Future:
The first thing that you should do when using positive imagery is find a quiet place where you can be alone. This is important because you need to avoid distractions. Once you are alone you need to take some deep breaths to relax yourself. Once relaxed, close your eyes and begin thinking of happy thoughts. A good place to start is to imagine your future. In this image you should picture yourself accomplishing your goals. Imagine that you have an abundance of finances and that all of your financial strains have been resolved. Picture that you are able to buy that special gift for yourself that you have been saving up for or try imaging yourself on a vacation that you have been wanting to take.
The hardest part of using positive imagery is blocking out all negative thoughts that try to enter your mind during the process. Thinking about any negative things will completely ruin the process of positive imagery and make it completely worthless.
Using positive imagery can be thought of as a form of meditation. The two have a great deal in common. This should be viewed as proof of its effectiveness as people have been practicing the art of meditation for quite some time. All it takes is practice; remember you will not be a pro at positive imagery when you first begin doing it.
Chapter 6: Transform Your Surroundings
Your surroundings play a large role in the way your daily life goes. I mean more than just objects when I say surroundings. Your surroundings can include people you choose to associate with, places you like to hang out, where you choose to live, and how you decide to decorate your office or home.
Since your surroundings play such a large role in your life, it is important to make sure that you surround yourself with positive things. This is especially important while trying to build a financial abundance. The following chapter will give you some tips on how to do this.
Choose Your Surroundings Carefully
Carefully choosing your surroundings can make building a financial abundance much more simple than it seems. As mentioned before, everything in your life is a result of your surroundings. Therefore, if you have friends who like to engage in negative behaviors, you will likely have negative consequences that take place in your life. On the other hand, if you hang out with people who are constantly helping others, you will likely be granted positive affects in your life. Look over all of your surroundings and ask yourself, are these surroundings going to aid or hinder me on my journey to building a financial abundance? If the answer is that your surroundings are going to slow your progress you should make some changes. Here are a few areas you may want to consider change:
Your surroundings should always be kept neat and clean, especially at your work place. Clutter in an environment can cause an individual to become stressed over time. Humans naturally like their environment to be clean, so when it is not it causes a person to be uneasy or irritable. You may want to find a new way of organizing things so that things are easier to put away. Another thing that might help is to rearrange the room to create more space.
You need to cut excess noise out of your surroundings. This may not always be possible, but when it is take advantage of it.
Use Inspirational Pictures:
Using inspirational pictures can be quite helpful. Try hanging a few of them around your house in places where they will be seen often. Make sure to find ones with a motivational message that is geared towards building a financial abundance.
Surround Yourself With Positive People:
The hardest part of this may be letting go of old friends. Although it may be a daunting task, it must be done! As stated before, negative people bring negative outcomes, it is best to keep negative people out of your life.
Where You Should Hang Out:
You want to find a place to socialize where the people there are successful. This will present you with opportunities to meet new people with positive lifestyles. It will also open new opportunities by means of creating new contacts for you or new ways to build a financial abundance. Basically, stay away from cheap bars and pool halls!
Chapter 7: Use Affirmations
Affirmations can be very useful when facing tough situations. That is why they should be used while you are trying to build a financial abundance. It may feel weird saying affirmations to yourself but it will surely help. If you are unsure what an affirmation is or are not sure of how to properly perform an affirmation, the next chapter is meant for you.
For those who do not know what an affirmation is, an affirmation is a set of positive statements you say toward yourself in order to build your level of self-confidence and self-worth. One of the great things about affirmations is that you do not have to count on someone else to receive them and you do not have to pay for them. It is important for people to understand that simply saying an affirmation is not enough if you want to see real results.