Ebook Sample Content Preview:
At this point, your domains have been registered and setup on your server.
Now, we’re going to install a WordPress blog on the root of each of the 100 ‘money’ domains you purchased. Again, don’t worry about your blog farm domains for now as we’ll get into setting up your blog farms later.
There are several programs/services out there that will install WordPress blogs for you automatically, at the click of a button across multiple domains. I use a program called WordPressSuperInstaller (WPSI). It’s by far the best automatic wordpress installer out there in terms of features, speed and easy of use.
There are simple step-by-step videos on how to use WPSI. It’s very easy and will probably take you 15 minutes to learn how to use.
At this point, you need to go ahead and install your 100 blogs (one blog on the root of each domain).
It’s extremely important that your blog links to your internal pages. Now, we have not created our internal pages ye, but that does not mean that we can’t setup a link to our internal pages from our blog. This may not make sense now, but it will in a minute.