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Chapter 1
Earning A Comfortable Living From
Adsense Reviewed
Technically, there is only one way to earn money from AdSense. You create a website, and paste the AdSense code into the pages. You then drive traffic to that site, and you earn money when people click on the ads that are being served by Google. That sounds easy enough, right?
It is easy, but it takes more thought and effort than that. What you must remember is that you only earn a few cents when someone clicks an ad, for the most part. That amount can be as little as three cents, and on up to five dollars. The most successful AdSense publishers are targeting keywords that pay the most amount of money.
These AdSense publishers use a variety of tools to find out what the high paying keywords are. These tools include keyword research tools, such as Word Tracker and Keyword Elite.
They spend a great deal of time researching those keywords, finding out what the top keywords are, in terms of number of people searching for them, and what word combinations are being used. These are words and phrases that they will target in the content of their sites.
Next, they determine which of those top keywords topics pay the most money per click. Those who have been in the AdSense game for a while are not going to build sites that target keywords that only pay three cents per click!
They are making a living, and three cents doesn’t go very far in reaching their goal.
These AdSense publishers use the tools that Google provides to help determine which keywords are paying the most to the publishers. Unfortunately, you won’t find these tools inside your Google AdSense account. You need a Google AdWords account for this.
You see, Google has two programs: Google AdSense and Google AdWords. Those two programs work together. Business owners use Google AdWords to promote their products and websites. When you publish Google AdSense ads on your site, the ads that are being displayed are those that people using the Google AdWords program have paid Google to run.
Fortunately, it is free to set up a Google AdWords account. You just set it up, and get in there and start using the tools that are there to see how much bids are for the keywords that you’ve discovered using keyword selection tools such as Word Tracker and Keyword Elite.
By doing this, you have access to the same information that the people who are paying for ads has, and this helps you to build more profitable AdSense websites.
This is a secret that Google won’t tell you about, and few AdSense publishers will share with you. Having a Google AdWords account is the key to finding out which keywords are going to pay you the most amount of money per click.
Choosing the right high paying keywords, however, isn’t all that there is to it. You also must have the traffic. Low traffic sites won’t make you a full-time living. This is why most publishers have more than one website.
They find the top keywords in terms of number of searches, figure out the keywords from that list that pay the most amount of money per click, and then build sites accordingly.
A successful AdSense publisher may have sites on topics such as fishing, weight loss, video games, making money, and more. When you have multiple sites, you can make a nice living with a mid level amount of traffic to each site.
If you have hundreds of sites, which some publishers do, you can make a living even with low traffic. So, here is some food for thought: The more traffic you have per site, the fewer sites you will need to earn a living from AdSense.
Chapter 2
What Is AdSense, Really?
In recent years, there has been a great deal of discussion and information concerning Google’s AdSense program at http://adsense.google.com. There have been numerous E-Books and articles written on the topic.
But in the grand scheme of things, it is a profitable program that still gets overlooked by many who are just coming online to start a business, as well as those who have been around a while.
First, let’s take a look at exactly what AdSense is and what it is all about.
AdSense is a program for webmasters which was implemented by the famous Google some years ago.
Essentially, a webmaster (a person who owns and builds one or more websites) signs up for an account with the program, and once they are approved, they paste the Google AdSense code into the pages on their websites.
Google then starts serving ads to those websites, based on the keywords that it finds in the text of the page. When a visitor clicks on one of those ads, the webmaster earns money – usually a few cents for each click. However, when a site has a great deal of traffic, and when the webmaster knows which keywords are the most profitable to target, there is a lot of money to be made.
It sounds simple enough, but it’s not really that easy. First, you have to be approved – and Google is picky. The good news is that once one site is approved, you have a Google AdSense account, and you do not have to seek Google’s approval to use AdSense on any other site that you own, as long as that site is within the Google’s terms of service guidelines.
Once you are approved, you have to know which keywords to target – the ones that will make you the most amount of money per click, and how to write (or have written for you) content that draws those high paying ads. Often, this is the hardest part for what are known as ‘AdSense publishers.’ When we get into this, the secrets will start unfolding.