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The Chinese system of medicine is quite intricate, especially in the way that it is suggested that our organs and mental symptoms are related.
Traditionally, Western scientists and medical practitioners have been suspicious about the nature of this traditional healing method.
However, some interesting parallels between Western and traditional Chinese medicine have been observed over recent years. As an example, with reference to our earlier example of the relationship between the heart and the kidney, Western medicine has now observed that when one suffers from severe heart problems, kidney failure is often quite close behind.
Whilst this is a relatively recent discovery in the West, this connection between the two organs was established many centuries ago in traditional Chinese medicine.
More than 10,000 studies have been conducted into the scientific basis of the effectiveness of acupuncture. It should, therefore, be no surprise that the science of acupuncture is evolving as scientists are taking a renewed interest in this centuries old science.
Because of this, it is now a highly respected, yet intriguing mode of healing. There are several contemporary scientific theories that argue the case of acupuncture.