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Make a little list of this persons’ primary character reference qualities. Then place a plus sign (+) next to the characters you love and a subtraction sign (-) next to the ones you disapprove of.
Now consider the list you have produced, and read it back to yourself. However this time think about it from the position that you're dealing with a list somebody else composed to describe you. You will likely derive some fresh insights about yourself as you realize that this is an impartial representation of what you love and have disapproval for most about yourself.
I have proposed this mirror drill to a lot of individuals around the globe, and those who implement it are a great deal of the time amazed by what it exposes. I urge you to attempt it for yourself. It merely takes a couple of moments, and it will help you recognize that other people are not so dissimilar from you after all.
We generally praise in other people what we love most about ourselves, while condemning those characters we protest confronting in ourselves. By the way, did I bring up what a beautiful, bright, and loving individual you are?
Unity is among the most ambitious things to apply consistently, for the most part because the world is still very lined up with detachment.
A major part of unity is the power to dispense with thoughts of detachment and let your awareness expand beyond the limits of your self-importance. The more your individual self-importance commands your awareness, the more you'll automatically unplug from the individuals around you.