Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Before we move onto the money making part of this system (getting the traffic and sales) let’s just briefly discuss your auto-responder sequence. Remember you’re building a list of buyers. These buyers need to be looked after carefully to ensure they remain responsive to your emails.
Start your auto-responder sequence with a few emails with top quality content. Inject your personality and encourage subscribers to email you with their feedback and questions. Make sure you reply to every email you receive.
After the first few emails, follow the 75% content – 25% pitch rule. Only one of every four emails should be a promotion for a product. Even when you are promoting a product, include some quality tips embedded within your promo. This will seriously boost your conversions.
Make sure you never sell crap products. Promote just one crap product and you could lose all trust your subscribers ever had to you.
View your subscribers as individuals, rather than a group of people to make money from. View each person as a friend and treat them the way you would treat a friend. Do this and your relationship with them will blossom and your profits will grow.