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Many of us were never schooled how to receive. The ironic thing is that receiving is really an inborn “skill” that we all have, however it’s been disciplined out of us. Woefully, we simply haven’t had adequate role models to show us how to open up and receive.
But! It's never to late to learn - or, I ought to say, to unlearn the disciplining that veils our power to cease striving, to open up and experience the love, joyfulness, and abundant aliveness that's our birthright.
To discover how to receive, self-investigation is crucial initially, to get to be more aware of your personal dynamic for getting (or not getting). This is a crucial initial step in getting to be aware of your special relationship with abundance. A few of us are open and free with getting cash but block love and connection. For other people it might be the opposite.
Or you might have dreams to be a musician but can’t really seem to get there. Other stuff seems to get in the way. So where are you stuck? Is it in the area of relationships, cash, self-empowerment, or discovering and exercising the career that arouses and inspires you?
Remember, we’re not simply discussing getting objects here. This is about our power to open up and be cognizant of the flow of love, light, joyfulness, and well-being that’s constantly flowing and available to us. From there, things we want could appear, but that’s a spin-off.
The abundance we’re talking about here is the experience of getting tapped into what decides the quality of our lives. Out of that, all great things flow to us, both objects and experiences that nurture and affirm our hearts.
There’s an amazing “Catch 22” that I should mention. As we relinquish resistance and accept the flow of love and abundance, while initially we might feel relief and even blissfulness, that procedure will expose thicker levels of resistance, which we might experience negatively as the resistance arises for release. Then if we open up more and bring out the resistance, we feel relief, then the following layer opens for release. On and on...
The amazing thing about that is that as we go forward with this procedure and continue opening our connection with abundance, then abundance happens faster. Then there’s a bigger collective channel for love, grace, and prosperity in this world. This has an enormously favorable affect on all of us!