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Al things begin in the mind. The big cathedrals and mosques of the world, the pyramids, the contemporary world – cars, planes and starships – all the wonders of the ancient and the present time – they all began as thoughts, dreams. The thought of a flying machine would have been amazing to individuals a few hundred years ago – most individuals would have made fun of such a notion – but somebody dreamed about it and now planes are part of our every day life.
It's a great calamity that so many of us let life mash our dreams. There was a time when we dreamed of big and fantastic things; learning to dream again is among our most crucial jobs as adults. If you have no dreams, you'll be like that mouse in a wheel: there may be a lot of motion, but there'll be no advancement.
We need to differentiate between desire and obsession. Desire – or dreaming – alone won't get us anyplace; it's a necessary requirement, to be sure, but we as well need to have a solid inner compulsion to make those dreams come true. If our dreams are a ship, then we need a skipper to get the ship moving and to keep it traveling. We need self-belief, passion and loyalty. Would the plane have been invented if Orville and Wilbur Wright hadn't been impelled to see their dreams turn into fact?
Set backs and failures are inevitable, but surrender can't be an option if you want to win. I don't mean to hint that life should be a battle – in fact, I think just the opposite. The skipper of a ship isn't straining to stay on course and the better the skipper, the more easily and naturally he appears able to direct the vessel. But without desire, we won't have the energy to hold on, to keep advancing, even in the face of evident frustration. We'll get lost in the desert, maybe lost in a rapture of dreams, and we'll never see the land of milk and honey.
Action issues naturally from determination. If you're determined to accomplish your goals, then you'll act. But there's a correct way to act and an improper way. Determination shouldn't be compared to battle nor, indeed, to speed. Many small activities can accomplish great results – a journey materializes one step at a time, and a great tower is constructed one single brick on top of another. The ?dripping tap‘ soon extends to a filled bucket.
Without goals and without the determination to accomplish them, we'll get nowhere. However finally, life is a mystery. We can't know the future. So we need to be hospitable to the natural flow of matters and let life take us where it will, not brawling, not baulking. There's an intelligence greater than you or I – call it providence, call it God, call it the Tao – and we should forever seek to be in agreement with it. Brawling against nature is fruitless; working with the natural grain of matters can bring capital success with little outlay of energy.