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Teleseminars are a great way to create products, especially since each teleseminar can be used as two separate products – the live call itself and the recording & transcript afterwards.
A second powerful feature to teleseminars is that they are great vehicles for promoting your own launches or affiliate products & launches, as long as they’re handled properly.
But perhaps the most powerful aspect of teleseminars is that you can earn while you learn – by interviewing true experts in any given niche, sub-niche or system.
Creating Products from Standard Teleseminars…
So let’s look at the first area, creating new products via a normal teleseminar. If you’re already an expert in any area, set up a teleseminar where you’ll enlighten your listeners about a subject, then answer any questions they may have.
If you already have an opt-in list, busy sites or blogs and/or a strong social media following, you can consider charging for access to the teleseminar. If that’s your intention, be extra careful to make sure you’ve chosen powerful, truly helpful information to provide so as to over-deliver on the call itself. Organize your notes into an orderly flow of ideas so you’re not fumbling or jumping all over once the call is live – the idea is to enlighten, not confuse your listeners further.
Don’t plan to read from your notes – very few people can sound impromptu when reading aloud. Instead, be sure you know your topic inside out and backwards, and make general, point-form notes to remind you of the order you want to follow to help you stay on track during the call. If you deem it necessary, rehearse the talk a few times before going live, but don’t put too much pressure on yourself. It doesn’t have to be perfect as long as you provide the information that can help your audience.
Even your ‘umm…’, ‘err…,’ & ‘Ah’s’ can be edited out for the recording, but try to keep the flow with as few of them as possible on the live event. Knowing your material and glancing at your notes to stay on track can help you prevent those mental gaps during the call.
Make sure you practice with the teleseminar system before you set up your first call – it’s important you know the features and how to set up the recording system, etc. Whether you’re using a fully-featured, high-end paid system or one of the free teleseminar services, it’s important to know how to use the controls and to know exactly what you can and can’t do with it.