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We can all attest to the fact that some days we feel much more hopeful than others. Sometimes things come together effortlessly, while on other times Murphy's Law strikes us full force and what can go wrong will!
The real secret to using this guide to change your life for the better is mastering the art of keeping the flicker of hope alive even on the days when it feels like the deck is stacked against you! When you can do that with a smile expect huge life changes fast.
These tips to keep the flicker of hope burning everyday will work if you work them. Do you have the courage to keep your chin up and give them a shot? I know you do.
Remind Yourself the Hard Times will Pass.
Sometimes when we are experiencing some life turbulence it seems like it will never end. Think about it deeply for a minute, however. How many times in the past has this been the case? Often our minds play tricks on us and try to convince us a temporary situation is permanent. The solution is to focus on solutions rather than problems while reminding yourself this low point will be behind you soon. Being solution orientated will keep your flicker of hope burning bright even in the toughest times.
Stay on Point.
Having a plan every day does something remarkable for most of us. This sense of purpose fights the tendency towards negative thinking and depression. Taking 15 minutes when you wake up in the morning to write a to do list isn't just a good time management technique it is also a great motivator.
Just remember to keep it simple and have your plan consist of things you can do in most cases. Sometimes things don't work as we anticipate, but when we see ourselves checking off our list during the day it sends to our subconscious mind confirmation we are headed in the right direction. That certainly helps keep the flicker of hope alive!
Tighten Up Your Diet.
When you feel yourself losing hope, here's something you can do to compliment the mental strategies I've already mentioned - clean up the fuel you are feeding your body. Often when we feel overwhelmed we don't realize that a great deal of the problem is physical in addition to mental and emotional. Removing junk food and replacing it with
more healthy alternatives can often clear up the "fog" we are feeling in a way that's almost magical.
It's so much easier to feel hopeful when our body is treated like a temple rather than a garbage dump. This is one change that once it kicks in will really supercharge all the rest of the methods I've shared with you. If you aren't too up on how to eat healthy just explore a bit - all the information is out there if you just take a few minutes to look.
Consistent effort with a hopeful heart can equal a real transformation.
These tips may sound simple, but they will keep you going on the rough days. Pick up enough momentum and don't be shocked when those hard days don't pop up quite so often. Before you know it you may just leave them behind completely!