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Bedwetting Advice that Has Worked for Other Parents
Those who know a lot about bedwetting options, remedies and treatments are often those parents who have struggled with the problem with their own children. There are many alternative or less-used bedwetting remedies used by parents to help treat the problem. Some are backed by research, others are used simply because they work for some parents. At the very least, these tips are worth considering when you are trying to cope with bedwetting.
Tip #59: Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is an alternative treatment that uses hypnosis to treat bedwetting (Hypnotherapy is also used to treat a host of other ailments). The premise behind hypnotherapy is much the same as the idea behind behavior modification or visualization - the mind is used to control what the body does.
During hypnotherapy, a child will be hypnotized and then suggestions will be made (by the hypnotherapist) that the child is able to control their bladder at night and can wake up in time to go to the bathroom. Hypnotherapy is safe and is generally used for older children, although there are hypnotherapists who work with younger children, as well. Some results can be seen in a few weeks.
If you decide to use hypnotherapy as a route, you need to investigate practitioners carefully, as in most states alternative healers such as hypnotherapists are not required to be licensed or otherwise controlled.
Get recommendations for a good hypnotherapist who has had success treating other patients of Enuresis specifically. Most health insurance does not cover this form of treatment, so get the best hypnotherapist you can so your money is well spent on an effective remedy.
Tip #60: Check Your Child’s school bathroom and school drinking habits
It sounds strange, but it’s true - your child’s habits at school may be contributing to problems at home. Some doctors have suggested that children do not drink very much during schooldays.
Children are given only short breaks and beverages are not allowed in class, so drinking the proper amount of fluid can be difficult. Children who do not drink enough in school may be dehydrated by the time they come home, so they drink most of their daily fluids in the hours leading up to evening.
Plus, many children are shy about using bathrooms in public places, such as their school. This means that they may be waiting to drink and use the bathroom until they come home. This forces the body to take most of its water but also perform most of its voiding within a few hours, encouraging accidents in the night.
If your child has wet nights more often during the school week, school-related stress or poor drinking and bathroom habits may be the culprit. Ensuring that your child can drink and visit bathrooms regularly throughout the day can help ensure drier nights. Encourage your child to visit the bathroom at school and drink during school time. Discuss any concerns your child has about using the bathroom at school or drinking water at school. Try to remedy these problems.
Tip #61: Develop a bedtime routine.
Some parents have found that a steady bedtime routine helps some children relax and settle into sleep. A good night’s sleep can help with bedwetting since the child is not going to sleep so tired that they will not wake up (even when their bladder is full) or so keyed-up that an accident is more likely to happen.
Plus, some parents have found that a steady routine helps to quiet the child and have the child prepare for bed in a good frame of mind. Some parents believe that just as the routine is established for bedtime, so the child’s mind can accept a routine for getting up and going to the bathroom. This method is free and is perfectly safe to use alone or with other remedies.
Tip #62: A teaspoon of honey
Some parents find that a teaspoon of honey taken orally morning and night helps prevent bedwetting. There is some controversy about this treatment, as some doctors insist that it does not work while some happy parents claim that it does. Research indicates that the substances in honey may help with water retention and help calm fears. More research needs to be done about these properties and their possible impact on bedwetting.
However, a teaspoon of honey at night and in the morning is not harmful and can easily be used with other treatments.
Tip #63: Subliminal Suggestion
Ask your child if he or she dreams that she is urinating on the nights when he or she wets the bed. If your child does, have your child practice imagining waking up in the dream. Practice with your child, and have your child say “I have to wake up and go to the bathroom now” in the dream sequence. If your child can do this in their dream, they will wake up and have time to go to the bathroom. This is called “subliminal suggestion” and many parents find that this works like magic.
Tip #64: Homeopathy and natural remedies
If you can find a qualified homoeopath or alternative doctor in your area, he or she may be worth a try, especially if he or she has had success in treating bedwetting problems in the past. There are a number of natural medicines out there for treating bedwetting. You can easily and inexpensively buy them at the health food store.
However, a good natural healer or holistic practitioner can be a better choice as he or she will be qualified to tell which medications and natural treatments are effective. Many parents and their children have found success by pursuing this method.
If you decide to purchase herbal or homeopathic remedies of any kind, it is important that you read the ingredients very carefully to make sure that your child is not allergic to any of the substances. It is also a good idea to talk to your pharmacist to see whether any ingredients in the medication or treatment could interact with any substances your child is taking.
Remember, even remedies that are all-natural may contain ingredients that can be harmful or can cause allergic reactions in your child. Many parents have found help through natural or alternative tablets, pills, and other treatments, but you need to be cautious about what you give your child to ingest.