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If you're working to a tight budget or if you're short on time then the information you will find in the following pages will be just what you need...
If you’re marketing or selling anything online then these sites and resources will prove to be invaluable. Better still you’ve just saved yourself hundreds of hours of research to find these bookmarkable gems – You’re about to get access to the best tools, sites, and services that will make your life easier starting today... Each of the sites, and resources below are categorized and noted to help you make the most of this information…
The categories are:
Keyword Research
Multiple site Tools
Content Management
Information Gathering
Leads & Lists
Site Stats & Tools
Article Tools
Affiliate Tools
Keeping Updated
Domains & Hosting
Top Searches
Learning Resources
Desktop Tools
Keyword Research - It's critical that you do keyword research so that you find keywords that other sites may not be optimized for, as well as articles. It will be much easier to rank higher than you competitors and get targeted traffic to your site from search engines. 1) Wordtracker free keywords- http://www.freekeywords.wordtracker.com/ Wordtracker is one of the best keyword tools. It covers many search engines and shows you up to 100 of the search terms your keywords are in. It shows how many searches are performed per day, during the last 90 days. It allows you to click through on the search terms to get a more specific niche.
2) Quintura- http://www.quintura.com/ Would you like to know what other people are searching for, that is related to a keyword. Such as when you type in domain, other words pop up, like websites, online, etc. This will help you in targeting your niche because it will give you more ideas of keywords that are searched, and therefore more specific keywords to target. The best way to look at Quintura is related searches.
3) Niche Bot Classic- http://www.nichebotclassic.com/ I am not sure how updated this site is, but it has been very helpful to me in keyword research. You can see how many results there are for the three major search engines, and what the projected searches will be.
4) Keyword browse- http://www.kwbrowse.com/ Much like the one above, this tool shows you related searches, but these results are usually relatively the same words, an example would be you type in domain, and you get domain names, buy domains, etc. Click on the new words that pop up and it keeps showing you more related keywords.
5) Ranks.NL Keyword Density tool- http://www.ranks.nl/tools/spider.html This is by far the best Keyword density tool I have used online. You put in your link and it shows you all the information you could possibly need to know for your page, it will show you the keyword density for a majority of the site's keywords, as well as text to link ratio, and if you want to include your meta tags and title in the density search it allows that also. Other tools are offered here as well. Just a note, when it comes to bum marketing you should have between 3 and 5 percent for your keywords in your article.
Multiple site Tools - Once you're site is up and running, you need to start optimizing - back links, search engine rankings, keywords and more. These sites will help you tweak your site to perfection. You'll discover how well your site is growing, and learn how to generate more income.
6) Mike's Marketing Tools- Adwords Wrapper, Top Keyword Searches, Link Popularity Checker, Marketing Forum Watch, SE Chart, SE Rankings. GG Battle, and Yahoo Battle. http://www.mikes-marketing-tools.com/free-marketing-tools.html
7) I Web Tool- Many tools for your site. Link checking, pr checking, are you banned from Google, how do spiders see your site, website speed test, meta tag generator, and many more. http://www.iwebtool.com/tools/
8) Webmaster Toolkit http://www.webmaster-toolkit.com/ A great list of available free tools for your website and domain, you can check on links, traffic, bandwidth and much more. It actually has many of the same tools as the other sites but more of them in one place.
9) Seobook Tools http://tools.seobook.com/ This whole site's idea is to get more and more traffic from making your website as search engine optimized as possible. This is a great site, that also has a blog to use to stay up to date on what is changing in the search engine world.
10) SEO Company- http://www.seocompany.ca/directory/top-web-directories.html - This site has a whole bunch of great tools for search engine optimization, but the greatest thing about this site is that it has a HUGE section listing directories all over the Internet. Now you can submit your sites yourself or pay them to do it for you, either way it is a way to get backlinks, and a really big list, even shows the top 40 directories online. 11) Conversion Rate Experts- http://www.conversion-rate-experts.com/articles/101- google-website-optimizer-tips/ Once you have a good site, and you are ready to send traffic, come to this conversion rate experts site and learn 101 things you can do to make your site's conversion rate skyrocket. With 101 ideas, there has to be something that can help you raise your rates.
12) DNScoop- http://www.dnscoop.com/ On dnscoop you can check the approximate value of your website, it updates about once a week, and it shows how many back links you have, as well as how much you could charge for text links. It is not exact, just a round about figure, to sell your site you need to have a real appraisal done but it is still nice to see where abouts you are, and watch your growth . 13)Google Webmaster Toolshttps:// www.google.com/webmasters/tools/siteoverview?hl=en verify your site through Google, and find out what other statistics Google has on your domain. Content Management & Blogging - Hate designing web pages? Then discover the secrets to using content management - These sites will allow you to easily get your site looking the business in next to no time.
14) Squidoo- http://www.squidoo.com/ Squidoo is a great place to make one page sites, there are a lot of users on squidoo and each page of the site has different marketing tactics which help you make money. Squidoo will give you I believe half of what you make on the site, through sales and clicks. You can make a lens on anything you are interested in and currently it is one of Google's favorite places to look for search results, so that gives your lens more traffic, and if you link to your own site, that too will be more traffic.