"Who Else Wants The Master Resale Rights To 9 Magazine Style SEO Wordpress Themes You Can Use Or Sell For 100% Profit?"
Hi Fellow Bloggers
These Wordpress SEO Themes came about when I was looking for a theme with my preferred SEO requirements already built-in but sadly I couldn't find a thing that hit the right spot.
So I had to grab some 'open rights' themes and make my own adjustments.
By combining the right plugins with some simple changes to the main Wordpress files, I was able to get the right balance of on-site SEO and a blog that still looked good enough to start my own affiliate websites.
(use the theme switcher to view different themes)
There was something missing though that would make this a breeze for other folks to use so I had my programmer friend put something together for me.
This is the page that makes it super easy for anyone to change the home page to match their own categories - the alternative is to make some changes to the php code itself.
The 9 themes included in the package are the just the start - I'll be adding extra themes every week and mailing them out to all subscribers.