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Yoga and weight loss go together in a synchrony but remember the beginners with this purpose in mind should definitely perform yoga under a professional guidance. The asana and the postures that are involved in yoga require accuration in performing them and entail proper breathing management. If one plans to take yoga as the primary form of exercise for weight loss, then it becomes a must to do vigorous ninety minutes of yoga, for at least three times a week. Though yoga is an old traditional art of exercising and has been around for ages, but several new scientific postures, with the main focus to tone up and slim down a body has been included and added up in its regime.
Weight loss through yoga is a very gentle and subtle process. It tones up the whole body and makes it supple and flexible. The various yoga postures meant for controlling weight are endowed with unique qualities and relaxing a person and reducing its stress levels. The exercises focus on raising the metabolism level of a person and helps in burning down the calories. Though yoga exercises may not be as strenuous, and burns lesser calories when compared to other vigorous forms of sport like jogging and swimming, but they have a better and give long lasting results in the long run.
Best thing is yoga can be followed by people of all age groups. There is no are bar where yoga exercises are concerned, but there are certain exercises which are not recommended for people having problems like high blood pressure, heart problems and diabetics. As said before if it is first time you are following yoga please doing it under professional supervision.
There are two main kind of yoga or one can say two types of technique that one can follow for losing weight. Vinyas or floor yoga is the yoga type that is most suitable for this purpose, since it contains sequence of postures called sun salutations or surya namaskar. This style of yoga is very energetic and makes one sweat profoundly. Other yoga asana that are very helpful in weight loss are Asthanga yoga, power yoga, and hot yoga.
Asthanga yoga is vigorous and easy set of postures and it focuses on the alignment of human breadth with the sequence of various complicated poses. It not only aims towards a healthy body, but at the same time ensures a strong and clear mind. Once a person has learnt this asana, it can be easily performed at home. Power yoga, has been catching up very fast lately. It is a new form of yoga, where various poses are performed on a vigorous cardiovascular pattern. It is a very swift and athletic way of exercising and is diligently followed in western countries. Vinayasa yoga when done in a hot room makes one sweat unlimited and burns up calories at a very fast rate and since the body in a hot room gets warm up, it becomes more flexible also. Power yoga emphasizes on strength and flexibility and is more or less derived from asthange style of poses.
Bikran yoga is also a form of that yoga and includes set of twenty six yoga poses and two pranayam exercises. This form of yoga is generally followed most ardently by athletics and celebrities. They should be performed at least ten times a month to get the desired result. It is a combination of calmer, relaxing, soothing yoga exercises with aerobic, cardiovascular and fat burning workouts. Not much time is left for relaxation in between the exercises. To burn fat it raises up the heart beat and makes one sweat profoundly. It is very helpful in reducing the stress level, since it trains not only the body but trains the mind also. A person following bikram yoga on a regular basis gets a command on his self control, patience and builds up his concentration level.