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PLR Profit Strategy #7: Reworking PLR Products and Sell with No Restriction Usage (or Full Private Label Rights)
We’re going to discuss on how you can make money from selling reworked PLR products and sell with "No Restriction Private Label Rights” or "Private Label Rights and Master Rights”. So this constitutes PLR Profit Strategy #7.
I have found this strategy in particular to be a pretty good income maker that you can make in a short time span by sending to your mailing list as long as it’s responsive to your offer. In fact I have customers who have told me before that they have made a good income using my technique or reselling my products in this manner, and one of them happily reported that she found that of all the products that she has resold with PLR, she found that mine has the highest return of investment or ROI. But it is likened to be a double-edged sword using this technique, so don’t say I didn’t warn you!
Anyways we will be covering the bases on how you can put this strategy to work and put money in your pocket. Now quite simply, you play a role as a massive value-adder where you collect a variety or raw Private Label content preferably no restriction PLR or you’re allowed to resell the Private Label Rights and add value to them by making them more user-friendly and/or sellable commodities. So in other words you’re selling convenience. In the PLR marketplace today there are many PLR sellers who often whip up and sell Private Label e-books and articles in raw format, or should I say, they are
less turnkey for a complete business-in-a-box solution. So some of them do not come ready with a sales copy and others have no e-covers at all, okay, or it needs a better one. This strategy works best if you own a collection of raw Private Label content that do not have any restrictions imposed on its Private Label Rights meaning you are allowed to do anything with it such as give away, resell, etc.
Basically, you compile and rework the PLR products literally, offer new e-covers, more catchy titles, better reading format and any other room for improvement in the product that you can think of. The most important thing is that you want to sell convenience of using the Private Label Rights products to the customers. And then you pull out the reworked selection of Private Label products, usually e-books and sell them for one price - usually middle ticket. I’m talking about anywhere between $30 to $50, or even $60, and allow your customers to also own a no-restriction PLR to the products which they can do anything they want with it. Optionally, you can allow your customers to receive a duplicated copy of your sales letter so that they can resell as soon as possible.
There are the advantages of using this particular technique like:
1. This strategy works best if you own a responsive mailing list that’s interested in instant products that they can use for their own. So if you’re in the Resell Rights or Private Label Rights niche this is a very good strategy to use.
2. You can make a lot of sales in a short time period by tapping on the scarcity factor - that is limited quantity and limited time only.
3. You can expect a viral resale and distribution effect in a short time from this strategy.
Now I have people who are copying my techniques (as they say, imitation is a form of flattery) and they’ve found out now they actually understand why I’ve been implementing this strategy all the time as well. So as long as you place your advertisements strategically in your reworked PLR e-books and since they have no restriction or they had come with full Private Label Rights, people will resell them and distribute them,
resell and redistribute them. So you can actually expect to get high coverage from your products and you can see that your products will end up in a lot of people’s hard drives which is good and more of them will be exposed to your advertisements in the product -especially those who are interested in using them as end users. You can start building your mailing list from this viral effect.
However, there are several disadvantages to pulling off this particular money-making tactic where reselling Private Label Rights is concerned.
1. First of all, you must do substantial rework and adding of value for the new PLR products to be distinguished from their former format.
2. You need to look for no restriction Private Label Rights or public domain material that is not widely recognized or widely-spread for that matter because you want to make it as unique as possible so people will be more compelled to buy from you.
3. This can be a risky strategy because where rights are concerned, be doubly sure to double-check the PLR products terms and conditions or public domain terms and conditions before using. Preferably, you look for other products that also have no-restriction Private Label Rights. You can be extra safe, though, by making sure that they do not have copyright trouble, whether they are infringement of using copyrighted graphics or content that is already available.
4. Last but not least, while this still can be profitable in a short time, the problem is just that the life of this sale can be very short. Usually, in a span of 24 to 72 hours. Now, that said, if you still want to proceed with this tactic, it’s still good because it’s a good income earner for a short time you can pull off easy Fresales without doing a big launch. Or you can plan to scale down the launch, as I sometimes say.
What Do You Need
Now what you need is a collection of rare Private Label content, e-books and articles with no restriction Private Label Rights. Absolutely no restrictions at all - you can use them, you can copyright on them. This kind of content is what you want to look for. You can go for those with Private Label Rights and Master Resell Rights alternatively. But be warned that restrictions still apply like no selling on eBay, no giving away, etc. Public domain materials is another good alternative though the command of English used almost 100 years ago is obsolete right now so you have to rework their command of English to be much more modern.