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One thing that you will quickly realize is that many people in the fields that we are targeting don't have their own individual websites. So, they are ripe for the picking so to speak. In some cases, like with real estate agents and lawyers, they will have some sort of profile on their companies website, but not one of their own, that they control, and are able to gain traffic exclusively for themselves from. So, that is definitely something to keep in mind when going into this.
The actual core of this method is what I like to call “keyword confidential” as I lay it all out, you will quickly realize just how powerful, and effective it is. Below I'm going to outline exactly how to not only get customers, but to market to them as well...
To explain this effectively, I am going to use an example. In this case, I am going to use real estate agents just to make it perfectly clear how this is done.
Step#1 – Finding customers. With real estate agents, typically I like to use the trade books that you can find for free in most grocery stores, convenience stores, and other places of commerce where handouts are given. In many cases, you will be able to find whole brochures dedicated to nothing but Real Estate, and these guides are a wealth of information when used properly.
In most cases, these little brochures will give you the name, address, email address, and phone contact information for the real estates that are listed in the publication. THIS INFORMATION IS GOLD. So, make sure you check out your local convenience store to see if they have any of these flyers, or publications.
However, if these types of advertising pieces are not available to you, you still have the ability to turn to Google to get all of the information you need. See example below.
First, go to Google:
Next, you are going to use a keyword phrase, in this case, we would use something like Delaware Real Estate Agents, Delaware Real Estate, or another similar phrase. The objective here is to get as many contact names as you possibly can to start.
You can use the Google Local listings that will without a doubt be present in these markets, or take a look at the big agency websites to get contact information.
As you find them add their information to the “lead spreadsheet” that was included in your download. You want the agencies themselves, plus the real estate agents name, many times, the agencies themselves house 20+ different agents who are all our prospects.