Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Once you have written your articles, you’re going to have get them published in as many different places as possible, thus presenting you with the maximum number of opportunities to make money.
One of the places that you will submit your articles is to the major directory sites like EzineArticles. Whilst all of these directory sites have their own rules and regulations, the majority of them will not allow you to send people straight from your articles directly to an affiliate product page.
For that reason, you must have a web space of your own to which you can send them.
From there, your job is to encourage people to visit the product vendor’s page to make a purchase. That being the case, it stands to reason that you should do everything you can when someone visits your own webpage to make them take that vital (money making) next step.
It is, of course, possible to create a free webpage, but this would not necessarily be the best option, because using a free site building resource may suggest to any visitor that you are trying to do things on the cheap.
That is not the kind of impression that you want to give to people, as it is unlikely to help your efforts to promote the affiliate product with which you are working.
As a consequence, it makes considerably more sense to register your own domain name and set up your own web hosting account.
In the first place, this enables you to choose your own domain name, which means that the domain will have some relationship to the product or the marketplace into which you are promoting. On the other hand, I would not necessarily recommend that you try to match your domain name to the name of the products that you are promoting too closely, at least in your early days in this business.
Over time and armed with more experience, you will become far more proficient at selecting ’winning’ Clickbank products, but, certainly in the early days, some of the products that you choose to promote may not be as successful as you hope. In fact, even the most successful super affiliates would generally expect to get the product selection ‘right’ no more than 70% of the time.