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Everyone has the right to achieve personal freedom, but the sad truth is that not everyone is going to get it. In one form or another, we’re enslaved by our jobs, by our finances, by our health, by our family, and many other reasons.
We may not realize it, but the things we hold near and dear are often the factors that imprison us. It prevents us from doing what we want to do in our life.
But what exactly is personal freedom?
Many of you may say it’s the freedom to do whatever you want in life. Some may say it’s the freedom to eat ice cream in the middle of the night or whenever they want without getting judged by others.
Others may say it’s their financial independence – being wealthy enough to never have to go to work again. Some may say it’s the freedom to come and go as they please without anyone stopping them.
You’re free to define your own definition of personal freedom. It’s personal after all. However, let me just be clear here: personal freedom still has boundaries.
You can’t go ‘borrowing’ someone else’s car without asking for permission first simply because you’re ‘free’ to do what you want. You’re not free to enter other people’s houses and take whatever you can get your hands on.
If that’s how you define personal freedom, then that’s not right. Imagine a world where we all go do as we please without regard to other people’s rights. That would be anarchy, plain and simple. There would be no law and order, just chaos and mayhem.
As civilized people, we observe human rights, and we respect freedom of speech. Just make sure you don’t go beyond your personal space. You need to recognize that you’re not always entitled to get what you think you deserve.
Personal freedom, in the context of this short report, is all about having the freedom to pursue your passion and living the life you’ve always dreamed of. All without infringing or stepping on other people’s rights.
It’s also important to mention here that being financially free is not necessary for someone to achieve personal freedom. You can be happy without being rich. Likewise, you can have all the money in the world but be neither happy nor free.
For instance, would you feel secure and happy if you know you’re earning your money through illegal means? I think not. You’d most probably be paranoid, and you’d be looking over your shoulder all the time. In short, you won’t have the peace of mind necessary to achieve personal freedom.
With that said, here are the 7 secrets to achieving personal freedom:
Live with integrity
Knowing and doing what’s right are two different things. At first glance, it may look like they’re referring to the same thing, but nothing can be further from the truth.
For instance, when people are faced with tough choices, they’d often choose something that will benefit them even though they know they’re doing the wrong thing. That’s not integrity.
When you have integrity, you always do what’s right whether someone’s looking at you or not. You strive to live your life according to your moral principles. You don’t let your actions be dictated by negative forces even though most people would be happy to.
To enjoy personal freedom, you need to have integrity. Otherwise, you’re going to be living life on the edge – constantly afraid someone’s going to come and burst your bubble. Or that someone’s going to come and take away what you stole from them.
When you have integrity, you don’t become defensive when someone questions your decisions and your actions. You don’t make excuses and point fingers when your shortcomings are exposed. You face everything head-on, and you remain honest even though you know it’s going to lead to negative consequences for you.