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Rule 6. We've got a little something for you that no one seems to have a definitive answer on. Should you plug other products and services through your info products, and if so how? Well, the simple answer is yes, you sure should. If you don't, you're wasting valuable customers that may just enjoy your product so much; they head off to buy another one putting even more cash in your pocket.
The problem is how do you plug other products inside info products effectively, without annoying the heck out of the readers? Well, first and foremost, this is kind of a gray area. A little like up selling that we talked about earlier. If you mention this method to someone in conversation, they'll give you funny looks and shy away, simply because this has such a bad name, due to the poor products out there that are just excuses for an advert. So the first thing I will say, create a product for the creation of the product, and make it good.
Don't create a product to be an advert. Whether it's free or paid, if you start talking to someone about this great new tactic you've learned, they take their time to listen to you, or read your stuff, and by the end it's just an extended sales pitch, don't expect to be very popular or leave a good taste in peoples mouths.
I've seen a lot of methods, and different ways that people advertise their stuff inside paid and free info products. Some of them you can instantly see through common sense that they're not doing much for the writer, and on the other hand, some of them are excellent, and compliment the product very well.
So here's what I suggest. The next time you write an info product, whether it be paid or free, talk about your previous experiences with some of your other products. This is especially easy with online marketing, shows your customers what other stuff you've done, without annoying the heck out them because your product is a poor excuse for an advert.
Second up, find a way to link your sites and products at the end. For example, if I wanted to plug some of my other products here, I wouldn't write a whole guide that was based around that product working, or what people thought of it, but you can bet your life I'll let you know about them either at the end, or refer to it in my examples.
Another method that works extremely well is to write sections that relate to your other products, but you have to reveal something and give good info at the same time, because if you don't, again missing the big key here, your info product will turn into another glorified advert.
So here's the general rule. Do you plug other products in your free and paid products? Yes you do, but you do it in a way that doesn't take away from the original aims of the info product, and the information it promises to give. The reason you'll hear and see people not doing this is because they're worried about what their customers and readers are going to think. The fact is, as long as your product does the job it set out to do, and what you told the buyers or readers it will do, you can refer to affiliate links, your own sites links, whatever. Just make sure the product does the job.