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7 Infamous Resell Rights Questions Answered
Your Question Answered on Resell Rights
Dear Aspiring Reseller,
Resell Rights can sound all “alien” to you especially if you are new to the marketing scene or simply stepped in fresh from the world of doing business conventionally.
Perhaps you are more familiar with the term “retail” and “wholesale” in the offline world of doing business but some things can change slightly in the world of E-Commerce though many have dubbed Internet Marketing as a way of selling through the Internet as a medium with many of the conventional and time-tested principles intact.
So by now that you’ve heard about Resell Rights, you’re probably wondering what this new opportunity is all about and how you get your own piece of the pie from it. I was when I first discovered the might of Resell Rights.
In a nutshell, most top marketers today boost their income and add spikes to their traffic and edges to building their mailing lists through creative use and leverage on Resell Rights. And it can very well be your leverage to your next breakthrough in Internet Marketing, too, but only if you understand it first!
That’s right. So if you have questions like below, teeming and pounding hard in your head right, this book is for you.
- What is Resell Rights?
- Why are there a variety of terms in Resell Rights and what are the differences?
- How do I tap into this lucrative opportunity in the E-Commerce scene and tie together with my next Information product?
- And any other questions that most beginning marketers and newcomers have on the special subject of Resell Rights riches!
Having resold several products throughout my Internet Marketing career, I have been often asked questions, some of them included in the above mention, on
this unique field. So profitable and yet chances are that you don’t talk about this with your neighbor-next-door unless he or she is an Internet Marketer.
Having said that, if you want to know how to make money from Resell Rights products you need to understand it first, correct? And in order to understand a subject you don’t know at all, you’ve got to ask an expert on the subject, correct?
Well, here it is – the scoop from the Master Reseller for all aspiring resellers: the 7 infamous Resell Rights questions answered.
In this book, I’ve compiled seven of the most popular questions asked on profiting from Resell Rights, especially since I noticed they tend to be recurring questions. And it is very likely you have some or all of these questions in your mind waiting to be answered to satisfy your curious mind. ?
So turn the page and don’t forget to send me a thank you note when you make your first buck in the Resell Rights arena. You know the address!
Infamous Question #1:
Are all Resell Rights products the same in terms and conditions?
All Resell Rights are not created equally. Resell Rights vary from one product to the next, with different rights, terms, and conditions. In fact, some products that are contained in a Resell Rights package are not for resell at all, but are instead for personal use only.
If you purchase a resell rights package, which contains more than one product, the package will typically contain a resell license agreement for each product. Do not assume anything! Read every word of the resell license before you resell the product, and keep that license in a safe place for future reference.
For some products, you may be allowed to resell the product for any price, or even give it away for free. Others may have a set price, meaning that you cannot sell the product for less than that price or give it away for free. In the case of physical products, such as CD’s or DVD’s, you may or may not be allowed to duplicate the product when you sell it. Some companies may require you to purchase the product directly from them for resell – for each sale.
There are usually other terms and conditions for reselling a product as well, other than the price at which you may resell it. For instance, most product authors will have strict anti-spam policies, meaning that the product cannot be advertised by any method that may be in violation of federal spam laws.
If you are ever unsure about your resell rights, contact the author of the product before doing anything else. You do not want to violate any terms or conditions, as it can and will be considered a violation of copyright laws, which is a federal offense. Make sure that you aren’t just asking another reseller – contact the author of the product directly.
Make sure that you don’t misplace your licenses. Print them out and keep them on a file. You should also back up electronic copies on a disk. Include any email exchanges with the product author as well in your backup files, including the emails that you send.
Infamous Question #2:
What is the difference between Resell Rights & PLR (Private Label Rights)?
Many people are confused about the difference between resell rights and private label rights. Several mistakenly think that they are the same thing, and this is not so. It is easy, however, to understand how the two terms can be confusing.
If you have resell rights, you have the right to resell the product, in conjunction with the terms and conditions set forth in your license, as is. This means that you cannot alter or edit the product in any way, and you cannot put your name on it as the author.
If you have private label rights, however, you can edit and alter the product as you see fit, and you can even put your own name, or your company’s name, on the product as the author. You can change words, chapters, graphics, add to the product, break the product down into several different products – whatever you choose to do.
Because you have more freedom with private label rights, these types of products generally cost more to purchase the rights for. Some products even have two options when you purchase them: resell rights or private label rights. In fact, you can use your private label rights products and sell the resell rights to others, after you have changed the product and put your name on it.
There is also a difference between resell rights and master resell rights. Resell rights simply give you the right to resell the product, while master resell rights allow you to resell the product and the resell rights!
Again, it is easy to see how one could be confused with these various terms. However, if given the choice, always go for the private label rights. This will allow you to have a product of your very own, without actually having to create one yourself. Most private label rights licenses give you much more leniency.
Infamous Question #3:
How do I compete with other Resellers who own the same product?
Many people avoid resell rights products simply because they believe that they cannot compete with other resellers who are selling the same product, or they feel the market for that product may be flooded due to the fact that there are a great number of other resellers.
However, if you really think about it, most people purchase resell rights, and have no intention of reselling the product – they simply wanted the product. Others purchase resell rights to sell the product, but honestly don’t know how, or don’t use very effective marketing techniques. In fact, 90% of the people who hold the same resell rights that you hold are doing it wrong.
You must also consider the market. While it is harder to sell Internet Marketing related products, selling non-Internet Marketing products is easier than you think. The reason it is harder to sell Internet Marketing products is because most of the other resellers will in fact be Internet Marketers who do know what they are doing.
First, you must increase your marketing efforts. By doing more, you will put yourself well ahead of the 10% that are actually marketing the product correctly. Find new markets for the product and new ways to reach them. Consider holding teleseminars or joint venturing with other marketers who have large subscriber lists.
Next, make your package more attractive than other people’s. You typically will not have the right to change the product, but that doesn’t mean you can’t change the offer. Use other products as bonuses, as long as you have the right to give those products away. Beef up your package, and you will pull ahead of the competition quickly. Also, change your sales letter. Don’t use the same sales letter that other resellers are using. Make yours unique.