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The first 3 days of follow-ups are designed to create the problem of “offline being disastrous”.
Now, you can see that's a really broad problem to deal with. I can fit nearly anything in there.
That's the sort of problem you'll want to start with for your follow-up. Convince your subscriber that the field they've chosen to get into is TOUGH.
Once you've done that, provide your product as the offer.
Of course, this doesn't just have to go with follow-ups, you can use this in single emails too.
One email of mine, subject line - “a BIG problem with offline clients”, went into details about how an offliner could ruin their chance of ever working in their town again if they made this one mistake...
I went on to a little over 20 units from that email. Of course that's when my list was fewer than 2,300 strong – so it was pretty good at the time.
Of course, it's very unlikely that this would actually happen to my subscribers... but it doesn't matter – they take what I say as truth.
This doesn't give you a license to lie to your list, but putting the worst scenario in front of them is perfectly acceptable.
Take some time to think about the problems in your niche.
It's cliché, but visit forums in your niche and keep an eye out for recurring problems. The more you can add to a list, the more content you'll have for future products.
One pitfall you'll need to watch out for is fixing the problem too early.
I often have to go back and edit because my emails tend to tell the reader how to solve their problem before they buy the product.
Don't do that though... Your product needs to be the solution to the problem.
Free content is great, but I run my list to make a living – so everything I send out has some sort of sale attached to it – even if it's just in an email sig.
One important thing to note...
Make sure that you are actually offering VALUE in your problem creation. If you can spot a pothole that your subscribers will be coming across sooner or later, it's valid.
By pinpointing these and showing your subs where they are, they'll come to love you and take your every word as truth.