Ebook Sample Content Preview:
29) Utilising Google groups
In a group or community, people like to share and learn from each other. Ask or answer questions on Google Groups related to your niche and provide links to relevant resources, which can be backlinks to your website.
30) Backlinks at Wikipedia
If you run a fairly reputable company, create a page about it in the Wikipedia or in topic specific wikis. If it is hard to list your site directly, try to add links to other pages that link to your site.
31) Write testimonials for others
Write a great testimonial for a product or service that you used. This can get you a link from a very authoritative site and has a big chance to drive you loads of traffic.
32)Blog commenting
Commenting on other blogs may not provide much direct search engine value. However, if your comments are useful, insightful, and relevant, they can drive direct traffic to your site. They also help make other bloggers become aware of you, and they may start reading your blog and/or linking to it.
33) Link trading
Swap some links with relevant partners on a small scale. When swapping links, try to get links from within the content of relevant content pages. Do not try to get links from pages that list hundreds of off topic link partners. Only seek link exchanges that you would consider pursuing even if search engines did not exist. Instead of thinking just about your topic when exchanging links, think about demographic audience sets. Stay away from the link trading hubs and networks.
34) Make a donation
There are some blogs there that has an Amazon Wishlist or a “buy me a drink” donating buttons. Most of them lists down all the people who have donated in some way. They may include your link via blogroll or via a post. These are normally permanent links.