Ebook Sample Content Preview:
41. Signature Scan
Business reports, plans and other collaterals often require signatures. To save time and increase productivity, scan and save your actual signature as a graphic and insert it into Word documents as a picture. If it’s a PDF, save your signature as a Custom Stamp.
42. Cache Email
Make sure you can cache your e-mail because in this way, you can work on planes or in areas where you do not have an Internet connection.
43. Start Small
We tend to think big, blue sky concepts. The downside is that such thinking makes the barrier to entry – and action – quite high. To avoid “blue sky paralysis,” pare your idea down to a small, immediately executable concept. Once you’ve road-tested your idea on a small scale, you’ll have loads more insight on how to take it to the next level.
44. Create Simple Objectives And Revisit Them Regularly
Sometimes we get too caught up with new ideas that might make it impossible to ever really complete anything. The best way to avoid it is to write down a simple statement summarizing your objective at the start of each project. After which, be reminded to revisit it regularly.
45. Stick To A Routine
It can be tempting to do the more enjoyable things even if there is a lot of work to do. Procrastination can easily overcome us therefore, create a routine and stick to it. It will help create a pattern in terms of both work and leisure.
46. Do Away With Unnecessary Meetings
If there must be a meeting, make sure everyone knows what needs to be accomplished from the outset. If people are present who don't help out with achieving that objective, let them leave. Always start your meetings with the question, "Do we all know why we're here?" and then follows with, "Does everyone need to be here?"
47. Tackle The Toughest Nail First
Most people like to start with the easy stuff and complete them first. However, if we end up finishing the easy task first, we might end up procrastinating because we may feel complacent and contented to have completed some tasks. When we get to the tough part, frustration and stress sets in when we meet a challenge in the tasks. Thus, it is best to get a head start by completing the worst task first and slowly make a transition into easy ones, you’ll feel great to have completed so many things by the end of the day.