Ebook Sample Content Preview:
This battle has been going on since HTML emails became a reality. You're going to hear all kinds of arguments for and against each kind of email. I'm not going to get into the battles. All I'm going to do is give you my personal experience from 5 plus years of email marketing. Ultimately, YOU have to decide which direction you're going to go in. I strongly suggest, before using either HTML or text, that you test each out and see what works better for you.
HTML emails look great, if you're a good designer. There is no question about that. I have seen some HTML emails that literally blew my socks off. Professional doesn't even begin to describe them.
I knew I couldn't make HTML emails that were going to be sharp looking enough to do the job that they were supposed to do, so I did something I don't normally do...I had a pro design some for me.
I then sent them out to selected lists and also to some safelists that allowed HTML emails. Now, there is one thing you DO need to know. Not every email client has the capability to read HTML emails. In addition to that, some people turn off the HTML reading capability in their email readers. For example, if you use Horde, you can turn off the ability to read HTML emails. My account by default had this option turned off. Point is, the nature of HTML emails means that fewer people are going to be able to read them. How fewer? That's the question that I needed answered by doing my split testing.
My results in extensive testing showed that my open rate for text emails was 17.2% while the open rate for my HTML emails was only 12.7%. That's a 4.5% difference. That's more than 4 less emails opened for every 100 sent. So if you have a list of 10,000 people, that's 400 fewer emails opened for a mailing. If you're converting at 1%, that's 4 fewer sales. If each sale is $47, that's $168 lost.
But, supposedly HTML emails convert better. So okay, how much better did they convert for me? Remember, these figures will probably be better for some niches than for others, so like I said, test this out on your own niche.
My stats, after testing, showed that the text emails converted at 2.27% while the HTML emails converted at 2.36%. That is not much of a difference. So, the increased conversions were not worth the lost emails that didn't get read or delivered.