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Profit Tip #4
Backend Sell For More Profits.
Sometimes when I run a promotion for a software program or ebook I do so specifically because I already have a perfect product to compliment it or a series of products that lead into each other. I already know I can create more profits with less overall work. (And who doesn't want to do that © )
Here's an example of what I mean:
When someone purchases a product they'll be sent to a download page ... On this page -the "thank-you" page I'll promote a second product with a great discount that directly relates or compliments the product they just bought.
I'm sure if you've ever purchased anything from Amazon you see it too - with a statement along the lines of 'Other customers who purchased this product also bought.' - they do it because it works! I've seen 35%+ of customers who ordered product 'a' going on to purchase product 'b' over and over again.
If your backend product fits in nicely with your original offer or the two products can be used together well (i.e. they're a good fit) then this strategy really works. And everyone wins. You make more profits - your customer gets more products and at a great price. And don't forget if you regularly give your customers a good deal they'll come back and keep coming back.
Okay but what if you don't have a second product? You've still zero excuse for not doing this - just include an affiliate link for a good complimentary product on your download pages. With thousands of products available with resell rights it's pretty unlikely that you couldn't find something.
But if you're just starting out and don't have to many products in your catalogue then at the end of this report I'll show you how to get an archive of more than $10,000 worth of resellable software for less than a hundred dollars!
And Don't Forget To Follow Up!
Once people start buying specific products from you it's easy to offer them more related products or services as you come across them.
If you find or create a new product or service that you know will benefit previous customers - tell them about it.
Let's go back to our imaginary product we built in tip #3 - the
"Your Name's Email Marketing Maximiser Kit"
When you have a customer who has purchased this product from you consider the other types of products that they will be interested in. For example..
List building products - if your customer is interested in email marketing you can be pretty certain they'll want to know about more ways to build their lists. Equally products that will help them drive traffic to their sign up pages i.e. traffic generation products would be of interest to.
Just a simple email notification like the one below will work wonders on your bottom line:
"Hi Customer Name,
Two weeks ago you purchased my 'Email Marketing Maximiser kit' and I'm sure you are now well on your way to getting more of your emails through to your customers and starting to see your response rates increase.
I'm sending you this message today because I've just secured a brand new software program that will work in conjunction with your existing programs to drive more traffic to your sign up pages. In fact I've been testing this out myself for the last few days and the results I'm seeing already are great -1 know you'll love it this as much as me.
As a valued customer I'd like to share this with you this before anyone else sees it. To find out exactly how you can increase the amount of targeted traffic on your site just click on the link below.
Best Wishes Your Name"
Then put this on autopilot!
If you automate the delivery of your products just add the above message into your customer/delivery autoresponder - make a few tweaks and set it to deliver 7 or 14 days after the original purchase of product then add a third product a fourth and so on.
Eventually you have a fully automated line of products to offer your customers.
Profit Tip #5
Master The Art Of Copywriting.
I've saved this one till last but in reality you should give this as much attention as you would to building your subscriber list. Learning how to write good copy, or recognize it when you see it, is something you must do if your going to be successful in online marketing. (Or any kind of direct response marketing)
Even if you have the means to invest in the services of a professional copywriter you still need to understand the basics - Otherwise how will you know what you're paying for is any good. You won't until it's too late.
One of the biggest problems with Resell Rights products is that many of the 'ready made' web sites are filled with flat copy. Dull lifeless pages with crappy graphics and no grab for your readers. Even if the product is first class and you work hard to send tens of thousands of people to see the site it won't sell well if your sales copy is rubbish.
So right now do yourself the biggest favour and learn how to write good sales copy.
Check out this page - for some good low cost options to get started with.
Importantly with Resell Rights you need to know if the focus of your sales page is targeted at the right people...
Are you selling your products to other resellers or to people who will use the product? If it’s the former then your sales page needs to focus on their needs - Will the product make them money, will it be easy for them to set up, will their customers like the product - Can they sell it?
Alternatively - If you intend buying a product to sell to the ‘end user’ take the focus away from the resell rights - In fact remove any mention of resell rights and sell the product to them. (Potential customers may just go in search of someone else selling the product cheaper than you if they see you are just a reseller.)
People that are 'buying to read' want to know different things...
Does the product solve 'their' problem, will it make their life easier, why should they buy it from you and why should they buy it now.