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Part Two: My System
“The Five Steps to Profit” by, Karin Haworth
An Outline:
Step 1. Problem–Look at the problems you've had in your business. Look for a group of people in your niche, people who are desperate for a solution to one common problem, preferably one you have personally encountered.
Step 2. Provide –Provide the Solution to that problem, one you developed or found along the way and applied to your own business.
Step 3. Proof—Give them the proof that you document. And show them how it will clear up their problem.
Step 4. Product—Offer the product that reflects the problem, solution, and proof. Launch it!
Step 5. Profit—Resolving their situation brings profit for them and for you... ...Whoo Hoo!
More Detail: Step One - Find the Problem...
Begin with yourself. Look at the challenges you've had in your experience online, so far (Problems that left you chained to a cloudy head space.)
It could be something like having trouble creating a high-converting squeeze page, creating a squeeze page in the first place, or how to get Facebook friends to your blog and then to your e-mail list. (If you are too new for that, don't worry, just continue on with this guide.)
Affiliates: Look for the product that fulfills the problem you choose.
Plus, if you look deeply enough and take your time, you'll see the most common problems that folks are having—those are what you want. Just remember to settle on one that meets the aforementioned guidelines: passionate – practical – profitable – proven.
Step Two - Provide the Solution...
Affiliates: Watch for the product that will offer the best solution to the problem you've chosen.
The warriorforum.com is a great place to find your solution to the problem you've selected. Check where products are sold for the popular solutions, like ClickBank, JVZoo and Warrior+Plus.
Also, Google your problem eg,. “squeeze page creation” (put it in quotes). You will be amazed at the amount of solutions you find in the world of 'Google'. Once you settle on your solution, ask yourself...if the solution you have selected, stands up to the same guidelines as for the your chosen problem? passionate – practical – profitable – proven
Too many marketers think, “Heck, I'll figure it out along the way,” and they take a shortcut to Glory...so they think. This is to their failure, as eventually, the truth is discovered.
To them, if it makes money, that's all that counts. So, the solution they find doesn't reflect a desire to help solve anyone's problem. And the worst of it is, no one has been helped with their fake and flimsy guidance and so-called solutions...least of all, themselves.
Affiliates: Stay clear of theses product owners.
Remember, “Teach Only What You Know.” --Derrick Van Dyke You do not have to be an expert to land on an amazing solution. You just need to know more than the people you are teaching.
Step Three - Get the Proof...
Once you've decided on the problem and your solution, begin applying that solution to the problem and in your business.
If you have decided on a problem with which you had no experience, (new challenges pop up more and more now) apply it to your business anyway. See if and how it works for you.
Affiliates: Try the product before promoting (that's your proof). In any case, you can ask others to use your chosen solution in their businesses and then provide you with their results, which can lead to testimonials.
Screen shots and testimonials of conversion rates and financial success are undeniable proof. You can do an internal launch with selected JVs to help with getting that proof as well. Document all of your successes because, that will ensure your overall success!
Remember this FACT: People can be taken advantage of with a solution that is not honorable. But in time most will eventually see that there is, in reality, no proof.
But, I think you are a person who takes the time to document your proof with integrity; otherwise you wouldn't be reading this. Therefore, you are easily able to provide the undeniable proof required, because you are willing to learn and apply the solution to the problem. You are preparing to teach and to guide these desperate people. The best part is, they will come back for your entire system.
Step Four - Offer the Product...
You have discovered a common problem that many people have; you have found the solution that solves that common problem. And you applied the solution to your business. Perhaps you asked a select group to do the same in their businesses, for you.
Finally, you have documented your success findings, giving you the proof required by the public. It is the undeniable proof people require before they buy. So what you now have is a Product ready to be offered to the public. It is a product made up of a Problem, a Solution, and the Proof that the Problem is Solved by Providing the Solution you found. You are ready to launch your product. That is another guide, however.
Step Five - Receive the Profit...
Be sure Paypal account is properly set up. And realize that after everything you've done with great determination and passion, you are now ready to receive the Profit that you and all involved, so well deserve. So, pack your bags and get out of Dodge! Be humble and yet, confident. Be ready for your next one.
Part Three: My Personal Example
Four years ago, I could not even create a squeeze page; and back then, OptimizePress was the method to use. However, that was a PROBLEM. I couldn't use it easily, so I asked my son, Derrick Van Dyke, to make them all for me.
He got tired of that pretty quick, as you can imagine. ;-) So here's what happened. One day, I asked this question: "What if a WordPress plugin could be made that would create squeeze pages, easily…is that possible?"
I knew that would be the solution, so I partnered with the best programmer I knew. Yes, fortunately for me, it was Derrick Van Dyke.