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Everything has a creation process to it. There is a way to create every single thing this world has to offer.
Most people don’t realize how simple it actually is and instead let the limiting beliefs and negative self talk hold them back. That’s why it’s important to do the things we have discussed so far first so you don’t run into any problems that will cause you to fail when you are trying to create something.
The process itself is very simple, sometime though we can be our own worst enemy and sabotage our own success. Sometimes it’s for reasons we don’t know which is why the meditation is such a powerful and necessary tool for your success.
We sell ourselves too short too often and underestimate the power of our mind.
Let’s take the example of building a house from scratch. The builder looks at the empty block of land and eventually there will be a house built on that block of land.
So from start to finish there is a process going on that is called the creation process.
At the very start as the builder looks at the empty block of land and he visualizes the house, he sees a clear picture of what he wants the house to look like. At that moment the house is all in his head, it’s just an image in his mind but he is going to turn that image into reality.
Fast forward a few months and that empty block of land will have a house on it.
The first step is having a clear vision of what it is that you want. You may of heard this before but it’s extremely important to state that intention. State it as a goal, as a challenge, as something that you are going to commit to and put all of your time, energy, focus and effort into.
Take it seriously, it’s not just a hopeful affirmation. If you treat it like that then it will always just be a hopeful affirmation. Something that makes you feel good for a moment but never materializes.