Ebook Sample Content Preview:
So now you have your product idea, you are going to sell a product that we know is in DEMAND., people are buying similar products, so now it's time for us to bag the content for our product..
You may be someone that doesn't need any assistance with getting product content and that's fine but Em sure most people will. This product making thing never did come naturally to me. I struggled with it a lot at fii'st, mainly because I didn't know what to write about or what would sell.
I procrastinated about a year before finally coming up with a KILLER product - all about Camtasia... the Warriors on the Warrior Special Offer Forum loved it., don't do what I did and “over think “ the process...
In the end the quality of your products will “define” you. But in the beginning, they don't have to be a “work of art”., just give people what they want and get one out there. Sell it and move on to the next, and the next..
Again., don't over think the process..
Most products out there are not completely new. People take ideas and add value to them in order to produce an original product worthy of sale., and that is the key..
Think about the product you are creating, would you pay good money for it?
Always think about the other person (the customer). If you make this pi'oduct the best you possibly can, people will get to like you (and your pi'oducts).. once they know, like and trust you - they will buy more..