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Well, congrats on making here so far on our ecourse. We are at day 4 of the "SBOResaleTreasures™ Mini-Course", where you are learning "5 Secrets To Profiting With Resale Rights".
Today's gonna be interesting. Partly because I am going to share with you a story that happened to me recently.
Recently, my wife and I were looking for a washing machine so We went around several various electronic store looking for a particular brand of washing we had in mind.
The various electronic stores have the EXACT same washing machine that we are interested in purchasing. All are priced at the EXACT same price. All provide the EXACT credit term. Every factor is the same…
…except for one. There is one salesman that offers an incentive for us. The incentive was that he provides another 2 years of product warranty for free which will cost us another $50.
Now I ask you, will you buy from this particular sale man from that electronic store. I bet you will because we did. Do you see the light in the story that I had just shared with you?
All resell rights products that are selling online have the EXACT same price and EXACT same product. Why does your customer have to buy the same product from you?