Running a business can be incredibly overwhelming for entrepreneurs. Their work days are packed with meetings, phone calls, responding to emails, creating and maintaining a marketing plan, and solving technical issues that arise. Mastering time management skills is an essential function if they want their business to succeed. Being productive and effective at time management isn't about working harder, but instead finding a way to work smarter. When you can find a way to manage your time better, you'll find that your business runs much smoother and you'll notice a dramatic uptick in your daily productivity.
Time is a perishable commodity, for everyone, not just entrepreneurs, and once it's been lost, you can't get it back. Whether you are meeting with a client to close a business deal or preparing to launch a new product, time is the critical factor in determining whether or not your business succeeds or fails. Unfortunately, the reality is that you can’t add more hours to your day. Instead, you have to master the art of effective time management to ensure you get as much done during the time that you’re allotted.
As the owner of a small business, you have to master time management and increase your productivity if you want to achieve your business goals and be successful. With a better system for managing your time, you can get a handle on everything that you need to accomplish in a day without the stress, leaving you more time to spend on the tasks that will help you grow your business and increase your profits.
We all have the same 24 hours in the day. However, it isn't uncommon for some people to accomplish more during their days than others. This is because productive people are better at managing their time. Even with looming deadlines and client pressures, those who are high achievers rarely fall short of their schedules. With sufficient time management, you can get more work done in less time. Here are five productivity secrets that you can use to get more done during the day, take control of your time, and achieve greater success.
1. Outsource Non-Core Work
As a business owner, it is crucial for you to understand which of your tasks you can outsource to someone else. These are the tasks in your daily schedule that are urgent by not important. Outsourcing non-core work tasks to other professionals is an extremely effective way for entrepreneurs to master time management in their day-to-day operations.
For example, if you have a lot of administrative duties, it can be extremely time-consuming of you to handle these tasks. While these duties don't lead to more profits or growth for your company, they are tasks that still need to get done, so your business runs more efficiently. As a business owner, your time is better to spend working on tasks and activities that will lead to an increase in profits. Outsourcing these kinds of menial but necessary tasks can help you do this.
Thanks to the Internet, it is much easier and more affordable for companies to delegate more tasks to skilled professionals. With just a click of the mouse, you can assign these tasks to experienced freelancers that are located around the world. There are several sites where you can connect with freelancers to help you tackle business tasks. Once you've outsourced the routine tasks in your business, you will have more time to focus on managing your time so you can be more productive.
2. Employ the 80/20 Rule for Time Management
If you've ever taken a business class, then you know about the 80/20 rule or the Pareto Principle. If you don't know what it is, the Pareto Principle is a theory developed in 1906 by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto that states that 80 percent of the output from a given situation or system is delivered by 20 percent of the input. So, how can this rule be implemented to help you better manage your time and increase your productivity? When it comes to time management, it involves completing 80 percent of your tasks using just 20 percent of the time you have.
The principle advocates delegating those incredibly time-consuming tasks, but that create less revenue for your business than other jobs. Doing this will allow you to focus your time and energy working on those tasks that will bring in more money for your business. When prioritizing your to-do list, you have to remember that your energy levels and productivity tend to fluctuate throughout the day. For you to successfully master the 80/20 rule, you need to make sure that you focus on completing the essential business tasks during the times that you are most productive.
You can use the 80/20 rules in several different ways to help you increase your productivity. If you look closely at your to-do list, the chances are there are only a few tasks that are tied to important issues. While you may find it satisfying to cross off a large number of the smaller issues, the 80/20 rule suggests that instead, you focus on the few items that are more important, and that will generate the most significant results for your business. While your to-do list might not be much shorter at the end of the day, you will be practicing effective prioritization.
3. Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time
One way you can manage your time and increase your productivity during the day is by managing your energy rather than your time. If you know that you are more productive in the mornings, you can plan to accomplish the work on your to-do list that requires the full extent of your competencies in the morning, rather than trying to achieve them in the afternoon when your energy might be lagging. This frees up your afternoons to schedule the work that doesn’t need as much of your brain power to accomplish when you know your energy levels are lower.
If you typically manage your time by creating and prioritizing to-do lists and scheduling dedicated time to each of those tasks, you know how easy it is to get derailed during the day. A single conversation or email can quickly break your focus or completely rearrange your day. By managing your energy, you can bring your best performance to any activity that comes up. You can achieve far superior results over the incremental gains that you might get from other time management techniques.