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Emotional intelligence is a critical key to success in any business, relationship, and life in general. When it comes to finding success in everything that you do, many people mistakenly believe that your IQ places a significant role in your success. We've all spent a ton of time in school and throughout our lives, diligently cramming, writing exams, and studying in order to become more intelligent human beings. However, over the last several years, researchers have determined that emotional intelligence has more of an impact on success than IQ.
According to researchers, there are 19 different ways that a person's emotional intelligence will contribute to the bottom line in any organization. Emotional intelligence guides our ability to deal with others effectively. Not only does high emotional intelligence help you to understand your own emotions, but the feelings of other people as well. Emotional intelligence skills are incredibly essential in industries like marketing, where the emotional reaction to an ad could mean the difference between the customer making a purchase or walking away. However, emotional intelligence affects all aspects of your professional and personal life, from your ability to sell to your ability to form healthy relationships.
Emotional intelligence continues to be an increasingly popular skill to have, especially when it comes to finding professional success. Many people might wonder why emotional intelligence continues to increase an evolving workplace. Simply put, emotional intelligence isn’t a trend. Many companies have determined that employees with a high level of emotional intelligence have a significant impact on the company’s bottom line. In fact, companies that have employees with high levels of emotional intelligence have seen significant increases in both the total sales and productivity of their company as a whole. If you are looking for a way to boost your emotional intelligence to allow you to find success in both your personal and professional life, here are five easy ways to increase your EQ and five reasons why you should work to develop your emotional intelligence.
1. Learn to Stay Cool
Italian researchers recently discovered that changes in body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate are good indicators of stress. Stress can dramatically affect how you deal with problematic situations and can lower your emotional intelligence. If you feel yourself getting stressed, take a walk outside and get some fresh air before you lose your cool. While stress is a normal part of life, negative stress will significantly weaken your emotions and distract you from rational thinking.
Stress is especially problematic at work. Bad and broken communication lines with colleagues lead to poor relationships. This makes it imperative to identify when stress levels start to get too high, and to learn how to manage stressful situations before it can damage relationships. If you want to boost your emotional intelligence, then you need to learn how to avoid succumbing easily to stressors in your personal and professional life.
Develop Empathy
Other people can be a huge source of stress for just about anyone. The opinions, judgments, demands, and requests of others are often the cause of stress that drives our adverse emotional reactions. When a colleague, supervisor, or investor, or even a family member, get under your skin, you need to take a step back and try to see the situation from the other person's perspective. Try and examine it from all angles. It could be entirely possible that you are reading into the situation, or that their intent is altogether different from how you're understanding the situation. Learn to take a step back from frustrating situations with others and consider the possible motivations of the other person before you react.
Have a Plan B
As stated before, emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage not only your own emotions but the emotions of others as well. However, how well can you actually manage your feelings when you aren't prepared for what's coming next? Being reactionary to life's challenges and situations is a sure-fire recipe for inappropriate emotional reactions. To avoid this from happening, you can prepare yourself well before you have to make a decision.
Start by projecting potential outcomes every time that you have to make a decision, even if that outcome seems like a bit of a stretch. Take the time to imagine how you will react to each outcome so that you aren’t completely caught off guard while making the decision. With enough practice, you will eventually find that even if the outcome isn’t one that you predicted, you will still be able to handle each outcome and begin to be able to think on the move.
Be Definitive
Challenging the bad habits that you cling to is crucial if you want to develop your emotional intelligence. Many people will use passive language to protect themselves and hedge their bets. Unfortunately, using passive language is inherently weak, whether it is used in writing or verbally. In fact, passive voice literally means telling the story of what has happened to you. Are you someone who has things happen to them, or are you the person who makes things happen? To boost your emotional intelligence, you need to focus on highlighting the actions that have already been taken. Learn how to take ownership of your own life and emotions, and show those around you, from customers to stakeholders, how high your emotional intelligence really is.
Practice Emotional Intelligence on Others
A critical aspect of high emotional intelligence is your ability to influence the emotions of others, according to Psychology Today. When someone in your life comes to you and is stressed out and panicked, are you calm, or do they leave more aggravated after speaking with you? Whether in close personal relationships, interactions with strangers, or with professional relationships, how you deal with and influence others say a lot about your emotional intelligence. To help you boost your emotional intelligence, you need to strive to leave each person that you interact with in a better state than when they first arrived.