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Step 1: Tweeting Basics
Go to your Twitter home page
Check out your timeline to see what kind of discussions are happening among the people you follow
Go to the top of the page and find the “What's happening?” box. This is where you type your Tweets.
Enter a random statement that you want to make and click the Tweet button (for practice and to get used to it)
Notice your tweet appears in your timeline. People following you will also see it in their timeline. (Note: Some people follow 1000s of Twitter users and your Tweet is just one in a huge sea of information. Sending one Tweet like this will only get seen by a small number of people at any given time. People searching for words you have used will find your Tweet and may respond in that scenario.)
Send another Tweet this time asking a question. This invites people to talk to you and engage in conversation
In the video example, I Tweet the following...
“I would love to hear your suggestions about funny videos I can check out. Anything that makes you crack up?”
Be prepared for people to respond. They may or may not depending on the question and who saw it.
Mentions (or @replies)
This is the view you will use to see Tweets that mention you specifically. In the video example, if someone sends a tweet with @funnyvideoguru, I will see the Tweet in this view and I can respond to the Tweet directly. This is a public conversation.
Start learning how to use @reply Tweets to initiate conversation with other Twitter users. Go to your Twitter Home page and look at your latest timeline. If you are following a lot of people, this will be very busy!