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40. Keep the big picture in mind. Even if you blow your budget for a week or a month, keep on track. Do not through away your long term plan. Even two steps forward and one back means progress.
41. Keep visual reminders of your goals and dreams. Create a vision board to keep you motivated for you goals. Images are powerful reminders of what you are working so hard to achieve.
42. Simplify and remove clutter from your life. This means not only material things (like that old Pinto in the back yard), but also things that needlessly consume your time. Keep life simple.
43. Find out what is important. For some people it is the thrill of the hunt that is important, medium to high risk investments might be okay for them. For other the goal is security, low risk investments would then be the way to go.
44. Make choices daily. Do not live in the past of live for tomorrow. Take control of today and make the choices for today. Do not borrow trouble.
45. Institute a cool off period for impulsive buys. You see it, you want it. Write it down, take a picture of it. Then go home. Post in on your fridge and wait ten days. If you still want it at that point, then begin to plan to buy it.
46. Don’t shop hungry. Shopping while hungry lessens your will and resolve to stick to a budget, and you also end up buying more expensive and less healthy foods.
47. Stay educated. Get a subscription to consumer reports. Spend time online reading reviews of products and services. Ask around at work for advice before a purchase. Knowledge is power.
48. Stay true to yourself. Do not get caught up in other peoples dreams and schemes. You have your plan and what you want for your life. Do not let someone else take control of that.
49. Do not look the part, be the part. Act the part, save, be thrifty, be educated and the rest will come.
50. Get excited and build momentum. The more headway you make, the more momentum builds behind you. The more you save, the more debt you pay off, the more you can save and the more you can pay off debts. It’s a snowball effect.