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E-Mail Marketing Tactic #13: Stay as Professional as Possible
While you want your emails to be entertaining and engaging, it's key to remain as professional as possible. Be sensitive to your demographic. Always spell check and grammar check your emails. Make your emails clear and express to the customer or potential customer the exact purpose of the email without sounding pushy.
E-Mail Marketing Tactic #14: Refer to your Facebook Link Several Times in an Email
Reiterate your sign up or Facebook links several times throughout the email. Include it at the beginning and the end if possible. Try not to make it obnoxious or overwhelming, but make it easy for people to click and enroll in your email newsletters, sales announcements, or other contacts.
E-Mail Marketing Tactic #15: Be Personal
If you can, try to send out some personal emails to clients. Ask how they are doing, and see if there is anything you can possibly do to assist them with their business or personal needs in terms of your own company. Find out what they feel is lacking on your end, and determine just what it is you can do to improve their experience. By getting personal, you gain better insight into your clients' individual needs and can better adapt everything as you see fit. Once you've established an email relationship, it should much easier to get them to sign up for more current, generalized emails.
E-Mail Marketing Tactic #16: Keep Track of Your Current Stats
Use a variety of software to look at different aspects of your emails such as how many click through emails you are getting, how many people actually go from the email, to your site, and then on to make a purchase, and how many people opt in after getting an "introductory" email. By keeping track and stats, you will be able to gauge how successful your marketing campaigns are.