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There’s one thing that I would recommend with this. You can be like me and halfheartedly approach this and make a little bit of money. It’s certainly an additional revenue stream for me. Or you can be like Jeff who goes full on with this and make a significant amount of money with your list.
I think that if you really want to do that and you’re not sure how, take some of the action items that Jeff talked about and see how to implement those.
Who are the people that you subscribe to that you buy from? Why do you buy from them? What’s your feeling or your takeaway from those e-mails that they’re sending you?
I highly recommend mirroring what those folks do. I know Jeff kind of pokes fun of things in his e-mails. I know he talked about revealing some of our New Orleans secrets which I’m going to have to hope that Jeff keeps between us!
If you like what Jeff does; how he talks to his subscribers and the things that he lets you in on; how he explores the affiliate programs that he’s promoting so that you get a bird’s eye view of them, then pattern what you’re doing after what Jeff does.
Or if you like Frank Kern, he’s a good example. A lot of people like the way he does e-mail marketing. It’s okay for you to kind of mirror what those folks are doing.
Jeff: Definitely. I totally agree. Why don’t you go on to Number 2? I’ll let you take the first crack at Number 2.
John: The second item here would be Creating a Replicable Sales Process. I think that for some folks who have a lot of experience, they’re very familiar with sales processes and are probably able to delve into a pretty deep sales process pretty quickly.
However, for those who are just getting started or maybe haven’t had a lot of success online yet, I think that a lot of folks – especially if they’re buying a lot of Internet marketing products – look at a sales process as a front-end product and maybe an OTO.
The reality is that you can do so much more with your sales process and you can do it in a way that’s less effort for you. You’re going to pick up money that you’re definitely leaving on the table, and in a way that’s almost like copy-and-paste for you.