Ebook Sample Content Preview:
125. A Really Good Copper Cleaner.
Use a paste of salt and vinegar.
126. To Clean Your Diamond Rings.
Use tooth paste with an old tooth brush, rub and rinse and let dry.
127. Clean Tarnished Gold & Silver.
Rub with a paste of water and baking soda, rinse and let dry.
128. How To Make Good Jewelry Cleaner.
Clean with a solution of 1 tsp. ammonia and 1 cup of water.
129. Reset Stone In Your Jewelry.
Put clear nail polish in the base, set the stone in and let dry.
130. Prevent Costume Jewelry From Tarnish.
Put a thin coat of transparent nail polish over it.
131. Good Cleaning Aid For Dishwashers.
Add some vinegar to dishwasher.
132. Cure Scratches From Furniture.
Use machine oil or same color shoe polish.
133. Make A Good Fingernail Brush.
Cut down the bristles on an old tooth brush.
134. Food For The Whole Litter (HOW).
Use a muffin pan so the runts can have some.