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Visualise a great day ahead
In the morning as you are having your shower, close your eyes and visualise the day ahead and everything going perfectly, visualise all the people you will meet, the things you will say. Visualise everything being a great success and it will be.
Emotion in motion
It is well known that the more your body is in motion the higher your energy levels, the higher your energy the harder it is to feel bad. Walk more, dance to your favourite song on the radio, If you feel a little low during the day jump up and down a few times and you will soon feel much better.
The past is gone
remember, no matter what happened yesterday, this morning or even two minutes ago, it is gone and you can’t and wont bring it back. If things didn’t go as well as you wanted them to, take a lesson from it and do things differently next time. If something happened that you wished hadn’t, it doesn’t matter anymore it is over and done with you can’t change the clock - forget it - worrying about what you did before this very moment is a waste of your energy - focus on the here and now and the great things that are yet to come.
It’s your life - live it.....love it.............enjoy it.