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Drinking enough water has several benefits when you're trying to lose weight. It helps to fill you up so that you don't eat as much during meals.
Because water has no calories, it is an excellent choice for a beverage when you are on a reduced calorie diet.
Unlike other calorie-free drinks, water does not have any of the negative ingredients (like caffeine, no-calorie sweeteners, carbonic acid, artificial colors or flavors, etc.) that can be found in things such as diet sodas. Just because a drink does not have any calories does not necessarily mean that it is good for you.
Water can also help to keep you hydrated. Hydration is very important when you are trying to lose weight. Hydration will help keep you feeling well, plus it will also help keep your energy levels up so that you can exercise.
Being well-hydrated helps to keep your metabolism higher, which in turn helps you burn calories faster! Diet sodas and other drinks that contain caffeine can actually cause you to lose precious fluids because caffeine is a diuretic.