Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Content, Content, Content!
Now you know where you'll be setting up your siphons. Spending a good deal of time finding the right places to setup siphons is critically important. But just as important is the kind of content you'll be siphoning traffic from. The role the content plays is the most important aspect of this entire process because if the content is subpar, not only will the blogs be reluctant to post it, the traffic will have no reason to click through to your website. Don't spend all your time getting great leads for siphons and put poor quality content up.
You may be wondering, "Wait I haven't even talked to these blogs? Who says they'll want my content!?"
That's all part of the strategy. I prefer to go to my blog owners WITH content, give them a few headlines to choose from and then bait them that way. It also cuts down on back and forth time in conversation. It means you give them options, they say what they want, you send it to them and that's that.
2 Emails.
But more on that later.
You need to understand HOW important the quality of the content is. There are 2 aspects of content quality you must understand.
#1: The Amazing Title
The title is so important in blogging. It's important to get the blog owners to be interested enough to want the content and it's important to get the readers of the blog to actually click on, read, and ultimately end up on your website. I'm going to give you some title examples in a minute for you to get a good feel for what we're going after.
#2: The Amazing Content
Once you've baited them into reading with a killer title, you need to back that up with killer content. Not only does the content need to back up the title, but it needs to be VALUABLE content. You absolutely CANNOT do generic articles like "How To Pack For Your Next Vacation." You need to do very specific niche related content. If we're talking about travel, instead of writing about how to pack for your next vacation, write specific information about what clothes to pack that can be multiple use or how to roll your clothing to save space, not "hey don't forget the toothpaste." That's not quality content, people know that crap. No one wants to read it. Blog owners don't want it on their websites. Be VERY specific, pick something specific in the niche and write about it, no generalities about the niche.
You need great titles and great content. But you probably don't want to write it do you? Some of you may be on a financial crunch and be writing your own content. That's fine. I used to also. I personally outsource all my content with iWriter - they have a killer system setup, great pricing and you can REJECT articles that are poorly crafted and not up to par. That's huge. Only pay for quality content and on top of that they have a great system for actually managing all your content request, which is good if you're driving traffic in multiple niches or are scaling this up with a lot of siphons. I can't recommend iWriter enough. If you're not a member over at iWriter, check them out.
Some of you may have writers already and that's fine. But remember, they have to be top quality. If you have semi-poor quality writers (which I'm sure a lot of people do, myself included) they're NOT the ones to use for your siphons. This is critically important and can make a difference between getting 5 clicks on your siphon per day and getting 50 clicks . So spend $3-$5 more on your writer - it will pay off IN SPADES down the road.
I ONLY use Elite writers at iWriter - that means they have between 4.6-5 stars ONLY. What that tells me is that they can not only write with perfect English, but they can also craft well written engaging content in multiple niches.
Next I'm going to show you some examples of great content and how you can get that content from a writer easily. I'm going to give you a writer template I've used for years that you can plug into iWriter and get the same sort of quality back without worrying about "hiring" someone or going through a long back and forth process, vetting potential writers. You can hand this entire course over to an outsourcer and they can "hire" your writers as well by using my template.
Since you'll be using Elite level writers, they can generally come up with content ideas themselves, that being said I still give them specific details on the niche and the type of content I'm looking for by showing them some creative content titles. To do that I generate 5-10 great titles of content that I would want to read more about if I was interested in the niche.
How do we do that?
We go over to StumbleUpon and find our niche again! StumbleUpon is a great research tool. Even if you're planning to write the content yourself, use StumbleUpon to come up with some great content titles that will help inspire you in your niche.
Jump over to StumbleUpon and look for some title examples. There are LOTS of great titles, if I was looking to setup an SEO siphon I would use:
How to Use Game Mechanics to Improve Your SEO
Do You Make Any of These 10 Simple SEO Mistakes?
5 Steps to Make WordPress an SEO Beast
3 SEO Success Factors for 2014
How to SEO if You're Not a Guru
Learn The New Google Rules For Author Recognition Before You Get Slapped!
How interesting are those? Don't you want to read more about them? I bet you do. And you can bet that the blog owners will also, as will their readers.
Those took me less than 1 minute to generate from StumbleUpon. Make note of them and if you're writing your own content, GET STARTED! I'm not going to go into detail about how to write content because this course is on traffic generation. I want to keep it on that. There are tons of resources out there on content writing.