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No Eating After 7p.m. This can be extremely difficult to do. Especially when most holiday get togethers happen after 7 o'clock! If this is the case, then you should eat before you go to the holiday bash. Most foods are not properly burned off if eaten after 7 o'clock p.m. So, it's best if you eat long before this time rolls around. However, you can eat something healthy such as fruits or vegetables minus the fatty dips if you really need to snack on something.
Drink More Liquids Than Eating. Drinking more liquids will fool your body into believing it is full. Therefore, you can drink lots of water, unsweetened tea or coffee, diet sodas, low calorie fruit smoothies or soft drinks(non-carbonated), etc. without feeling the guilt of over eating. Stay away from higher sweetened drinks as this will defeat the purpose of watching your weight.
Eat Something Before You Go Grocery Shopping. Actually, you should eat something before you do any out of the house, or in house for that matter, activity that will burn calories. But, the main reason for going grocery shopping on a full stomach is that you will be less inclined to purchase all those fattening junk foods because you are not hungry so you aren't tempted by those types of food choices. You will be able to stay on track and only purchase those things you need from the grocery store instead of packing your cart with weight packing foods!
Plan An Out-Door Activity. Depending on the region you live it, whether the weather is warmer or colder, plan on doing something outdoors. This can be something you do by yourself, with family, or friends that doesn't involve any eating. Things like cutting down your own Christmas Tree, shopping for gifts, either last minute or not, walking through the park(you may want to do this with someone or a group of someones for safety reasons), going sledding, skiing, skating, playing some backyard football, collecting pine cones and creating some simple bird feeders with bird seed and peanut butter, and any other activities you can think up. Try to do one thing each week to replace a day of exercise or work out that you would normally do to keep things interesting and everyone in the holiday spirit!