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It makes a lot of sense to build your own email list. Visitors to your website will come and go and it is likely that you will not see the majority of them ever again. When you can capture their email address you will be able to communicate with them and get them back to your website.
An email list is a valuable asset. You can send out emails to your subscribers promoting products and services that are related to your niche and make a lot of money. Promote your own products and services or become an affiliate and promote affiliate offers for commissions.
Email marketing is still the most effective way to reach your target audience. As emails are personal, your subscribers are far more likely to open them and respond to them than with any other form of promotion. Follow the advice and guidance in this special report to build a responsive email list.
The first step to build your email list is to create a free incentive that your target audience wants. These days, your visitors are not going to give up their email address easily. They probably receive too many emails as it is, and they know that you are going to send them promotional emails.
Find out what your audience wants and create an incentive around this. Your incentive could be a special report like this one in PDF format. You could also create a video, or series of videos that provide valuable information. Identify the issues that your audience has in your niche and answer the questions that they have with your incentive.
Your incentive must be high-quality. When your subscriber reads or watches your incentive, they will form an opinion of you immediately. If your incentive is of poor quality then your subscribers will perceive that your emails will be low-quality too and they will want to unsubscribe from your list.
Give your incentive a powerful and enticing title. Create an image for your incentive such as an eBook cover. If you do not have the skills to do this then go to Fiverr.com and find a good freelancer to do this for you for a few dollars. Make your incentive the best it can be.
An autoresponder service will allow you to create your email lists and add email sequences that will be delivered automatically when someone joins your list. There is also a broadcast feature with these services where you can manually create an email and send this to all of your subscribers whenever you choose.
We recommend that you use an established autoresponder service that has a good track record. Email deliverability is everything so you need to choose an autoresponder service that has high deliverability rates. If your subscribers do not receive your emails, they cannot respond to them!
In our opinion, the best autoresponder services are provided by Get Response and Aweber. Both of these services have high rates of email deliverability and many great features that you can use. With both of these services you will pay around $15 to $20 a month to get started. As your email list grows you will have to pay a higher monthly fee.
You may see a lot of advertising for cloud autoresponder services that are available for a one-off payment. These sound like a great deal until you realize that you need to use an SMTP service to send your emails and this can work out more expensive than a conventional autoresponder service as your list grows.
When you first use your autoresponder service you will need to create a list to add your email contacts to. Usually you can create as many lists as you want. Once this is done you will be able to create a web form or an opt in form that you can add to your landing pages to capture the email addresses of your visitors. This is all very easy to do.
Your landing page is critical to obtain new subscribers to your email list. It needs to look professional and provide all of the benefits of your free incentive so that visitors to the page will want to get it immediately.
A squeeze page contains a headline, a sub headline, usually a bulleted list of benefits, an image of your incentive and your opt in form. When a visitor arrives at your squeeze page they will only have two choices:
Join your email list
Lave the page
You do not want any other distractions on your squeeze page. If you provide links to your terms and conditions and privacy pages (which you should), then arrange this so that they open in a new tab so that your visitor does not have to leave the squeeze page.
The best squeeze pages can provide very high conversions. If your incentive is what your audience wants and the copy you have used on the page gets them excited then you are going to have a lot of success here.
A landing page is different to a squeeze page. You will need to use a landing page if you are going to use PPC or social media advertising services which we will discuss later. Your landing page will contain your email opt in form but it will have a lot more content on it than a squeeze page.