Ebook Sample Content Preview:
70. Announcer
Display awesome Announcements, Welcome notes, Greetings, Events, News etc with attractive style,
colors, themes and position it anywhere in the page.
71. WP-CopyProtect [Protect Your Blog Posts]
Protect your blog content from getting copied. A simple plug-in developed to stop the Copy cats.
72. Thank Me Later
Thank Me Later (TML) will automatically send an e-mail to your those who leave a comment at your
73. WP-Insert
Wp-Insert is the most powerful yet easiest to use WordPress ad management plugin which does a lot
more than ad management.
74. Erident Custom Login and Dashboard
Customize completly your WordPress Login Screen and Dashboard easily. Add your logo, change
background image, colors, styles, Dashboard footer etc.
75. Drop Shadow Boxes
Provides an easy way to highlight important content on your posts and pages inside a box with a drop
76. WP Symposium A Social Network For WordPress
Social Networking for WordPress: forum, activity, member directory, mail, chat, profile page, groups,
events, gallery, mobile, RSS and more!
77. Paid Downloads
The plugin allows to sell digital content and accept payments via PayPal, Payza or InterKassa. It
delivers download link after completed payment.
78. Twitter Blackbird Pie
Add awesome looking embedded HTML representations of actual tweets in your blog posts just by
adding simple shortcodes.
79. WP Total Hacks
WP Total Hacks can customize more than 20 settings on your WordPress Site. PHP5 is required!
80. WP Single Post Navigation
Plugin adds next & prev nav links on single posts to have a “browse post by post nav style”. Includes
customizeable parameters.
81. Camera Slideshow
A jQuery slideshow with a responsive layout, easy to use with an extended admin panel.
82. Related Content by Wordnik
Keep users on your site longer. Introducing the fast, smart way to show related content on your blog
with thumbnail images or text.