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Tip #95: Stay organized.
Try one method at a time and carefully record on paper how effective it is (the easiest way to do this is to mark off which nights are dry and which are not so that you can see if there is an improvement). If you try several methods at once, you will have no way of knowing which remedies are working and which are not.
Tip #96: Give a method time to work before tossing it aside.
In general, most methods should give you at least some minor result within two weeks. However, some methods may take longer to show effect. Do not be in a rush to try every method. The goal is to help your child, and you do not want to overlook a method that would work just because you want “instant” answers. If you have not seen improvement in a few weeks, though, by all means try some other method to see whether your child can find relief some way.
Tip #97: Combine some tips for best results.
Where no interaction is a factor, try combining tips to get great results. For example, you can often combine natural or homeopathic alternative therapies with behavior modification. Most tips work well with comfort tips such as protecting sheets. Of course, you do not want to combine medications, but combining behavioral modification with some natural supplement or dietary changes may do the trick. If you are going to be combining remedies, make sure above else that the two methods will not be dangerous together. Then, introduce each therapy to your child one at a time so that your child can get used to each treatment and so that you can observe any adverse effects.
Tip #98: Try simplest methods first.
You want the best for your child, but the best is not always the most complicated or high tech method. With young children, especially, simplest methods are best. They also tend to be the most effective. For example, low-cost moisture detector alarms have very high rates of efficiency, even when compared to high-priced training. Look for inexpensive treatments that are simple enough for your child to understand. If those are ineffective, then you can move on to other methods. If you start with the most complicated gadgets and solutions, you may find yourself spending a lot money than you planned if that first treatment does not work. Plus, if you put too much faith in the latest high-tech solution and your child?s problem is not resolved, both you and your child will have to deal with the disappointment. Keep your expectations realistic (gradual improvement over time) and keep your solutions simple. Both your child and your wallet will thank you for it.
Tip #99: Understand all risks before you begin
Some methods of bedwetting treatment have almost no risks (think of the honey cure or visualization, for example). Some are risky when administered improperly (alternative or holistic medicine, chiropractic therapy) and some are risky (all medications carry risks of side effects). Make sure that you understand what can go wrong with each treatment before you begin it. Make sure that you can cope with the eventuality if it happens. Of course, you should try low-risk options (behavior modification, for example) before higher risk options (such as medication). It makes sense to keep your child safe, especially if the bedwetting issue can be resolved with no possible injury. Move onto riskier methods if the low- risk methods do not seem to be working after a few weeks.
Tip #100: Keep your eye on the big picture
As you browse through this ebook, you may be excited that so many possible solutions exist for bedwetting. However, do not focus on these tips so much that you lose track. Your main goal is to make your child feel comfortable and to help your child feel happy. If you can do this with methods for getting rid of bedwetting, then great. However, putting the focus on your child first means that you will not lose track of your child?s comfort level as your try to help your child stop wetting the bed.