Ebook Sample Content Preview:
80. Bring visitors back
Create value-adding extras to make your site a must-visit for the latest breaking news and update it frequently. You can provide industry updates, gossip, trends and forecasts. This will bring visitors back and motivate them to spread the word on the Internet grapevine.
81. Make your website address known everywhere
Make sure that your Web site address is be on every piece of promotion or marketing material your customer will see. Business cards, brochures, postcards, flyers, ads, signs, delivery vehicles etc.
82. Animate your ad
Animated ads generate click-through rates at least 15% higher than static ads, and in some cases as much as 40% higher.
83. Copyright
Include ( © 1998 Your Name ) on all your Web pages. Not only will this protect you if someone else decides to download your content and use them on their site, this also builds credibility for your company. Copyrighted material tells the reader that the content is original and cannot be found on any other site.
84. Search Engines
Notify the search engines to publicize your website by registering your Web site with as many search engines as possible. Submit-It at www.submit-it.com gives free registration to many websites.
85. T's and C's
Spell out the legal positions that your site has in your terms and conditions. For example, you may want to notify customers about your site security if you are using credit cards - what actions are you liable for and what are the risks the customer takes. Terms and conditions also act as a credibility factor to increase your customers' trust in you.
86. Ask your visitors to sign your Guest Book
These are the reasons why you should get your visitors to sign your guest book. Firstly, by signing your guest book, you can track the demographics of your hits. If you know the demographics of visitors to your site, you can pitch to other potential advertisers interested in advertising on your site using this information. The guest book also helps you to keep track of frequent customers and big spenders. You can eventually ask whether you could e-mail them with any special sales or promotions you have planned.
87. Frequently update your site
Update your site weekly or if possible daily so that traffic will continue flowing to your site. People return as repeated visitors to a site because of new information.
88. Buy ad spaces on other people's website
Monitor the website which you want to place ads on for about a month. Look out for how often the site is updated and whether they offer some new content frequently. After which if your observations conclude that your ad will be effective, contact the webmaster to place an ad or banner on their website.
89. Contact On-Line Publications
Find your industry publications and whether they have an online presence. Check that they publish content online on your business or industry and contact them via email about your website.
90. Associate with holidays and Special Occasions
Adapt your website page to reflect what's going on in the world. On special holidays or occasions such as Christmas time, decorate your web site just like you would decorate your own storefront.
91. Join the online community built around your industry
Look for a community of sites within your industry that have linked together for the good of all. Once you find them see if you can join the community and establish a good relationship with them by communicating with them. This community can be a platform for exchange of ideas and inspiration to improve your business to increase more sales.
92. Hire Students
Tie salaries to grade point average for high school and college students you hire.
Give a progressive bonus if the student excels in the classroom. In most cases you will find more responsible disciplined workers who will enhance your business.
93. Respect your customers' time
Try as much as possible to start off with emailing your customer. When that doesn't get you a response, send a fax over. If that also doesn't work, give them a call. However, use this as the last resort because customers are busy too and their time is valuable. Be patient and wait for their responses.
94. Special Customers
Make frequent personal calls to five of your best customers and offer them a special deal that is only for them and only today. They may not buy but we all like to know we can get something special that someone else can't.
95. Motto
A catchy slogan or motto can be a powerful advertising message. "When you care enough to send the very best" - Hallmark has used this motto for years and it has made sending Hallmark cards a measure of how important the card recipient is.
96. Create a bulk mailing package
Five or ten businesses near your area would be willing to send your postcard together with their packages by bulk mail and share the mailing cost with you.
97. Business forecasting
Having been in business for some time, you would have some idea of what to expect in the next year. Use the experiences and information from this ending year to plan for next year. However do keep in mind that business forecasting is like weather forecasting, you can't expect 100% accuracy in the forecast.
98. Five and Ten Philosophy
Every business day try to contact ten new customers or clients. From the 10, get at least 5 referrals of other potential customers to contact. You will never run out of potential customers.
99. Help groom and mentor the youth
University undergraduates studying business have frequent projects where they need to partner with real businesses. The youth bring new ideas and perspective which can potentially increase sales and better your business after you take those fresh concepts and refine it to professional standards. It is a win-win-win situation, 1) the students complete their project and learn under your mentorship, 2) your business has a fresh perspective and potential of further growth, and 3) you can offer these students a career opportunity when they graduate if you think they are competent enough.
100. Sponsorship
Your company can provide sponsorships to various groups to get involved in the community. One example is to sponsor a local sports team. Your customer base can be increased by people related to the sports team, i.e. family and friends of the players. Furthermore, your company name and brand can be actively promoted by being printed on the jerseys, collaterals etc of the sports team.