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58. Take full advantage of your notepads or index cards.
There may be times when you get stuck on what sub topic you want to explain next. To prevent this from happening, you should take advantage of your index cards, and write down your opening phrases in bold letters on top of them. By doing that, you won’t have to deal with a long pause, since you can simply read them out and continue from there.
59. Become more familiar of the visual equipment you would be using.
If you are simply going to borrow a projector or any kind of visual equipment at the venue, then you should familiarize yourself in operating it. You don’t want to get your presentation delayed, just because you don’t know how to turn to the next page, or to return back to a previous one. Therefore, spend some time with it prior to your presentation, so that you would know how to operate it perfectly.
60. Avoid technical jargons.
When your presentation is technical in nature, you may get tempted in using technical terms for it. However, you should consider the possibility that some of the people in your audience may not understand them. Thus, it is best to make use of simple terms, so that you can ensure that all of them would know what you are talking about.
61. When involved with a sales presentation.
If your presentation is about sales, then make sure that you make it as lively as possible, especially if you want to motivate your audience to making more sales. This is because, the energy in your presentation can determine the kind of motivation the sales force would have when they leave the room. Aside from that, you should also make sure that you tell them stories that can inspire them.
62. Don’t worry about the few who may not appreciate your presentation.
After your presentation, you would know if people like it when they start clapping their hands, smile at you, or stand in ovation. However, you may notice that some would simple go out of the room, or are clearly not satisfied. When this happens, remind yourself that you cannot please them all. Thus, just let them go, and appreciate the fact that most of the individuals who listened to you are happy with what they learned.
63. A presentation is not the time to wear something new.
Trying out a new pair of shoes in a presentation may not be a very good idea. This is because, you still do not know, whether wearing it can still be comfortable even after standing for quite some time. This is also applicable to wearing a new shirt or a new pair of pants, since you want to be very comfortable during your speech.